Looks like my thread was hijacked. Lord have mercy. I did have neons in there (5 or 6) at one time. They lived by themselves in a planted tank for about 3 years. I gave them away because I was going to go on an extensive travelling expedition (3 months teaching abroad) and wouldn't be able to take care of them. None got sick or died in my care. My fish seemed happy, but who the heck really knows. They can't bark like my pups do when they are in pain or need attention. I hate that someone was attacked on a thread that I started just because they mentioned their setup. At the end of the day, a fish is something we eat and a dog isn't. Just saying.
I've decided to get some tiny horned nerite snails and 3 yellow shrimp at this point (after I've finished cycling and setting up plants). I will later introduce a Dumbo Betta (thanks to the person who suggested them, as I actually think tmhey are the prettiest ones). If he doesn't tolerate the shrimp and eats them, then it will ALL BE OK. I live in Louisiana and eating shrimp is a way of life here, so how can I judge my Betta for doing the same thing I do? It's just the circle of life ya'll. Peace and thanks to everyone who offered their advice and expertise.