Stocking Fluval Edge 6 Gallon

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Still very very small. I wouldn’t even keep a group of 6 neon tetras in a 10 gallon tank.
Same here... they need lots if space and large numbers, in the wild they're in groups of up to thousands
One inch per gallon is a good rule but you cant base everything on it. For instance you can have one inch per gallon as well as a minimum tank size. Angelfish are 8 inches and need 8 gallons per fish but need a minimum of 30 gallons.... one rule does not fit all
I was not trying to be aggressive. The one inch per gallon rule is a good rule, but some fish do require a larger swimming area based on activity levels etc. @Byron stated above that they need a tank with at least a 24inch by 12inch footprint. As an example, nobody would (or should) put a 6 inch fish in a 6 gallon tank, or a footlong fish in a 13 gal. Professional fish keepers would consider a 20 gallon the bare minimum for this species.
What is defined as a professional fish keeper? Breeders keep hundreds of fish in small containers. Retailers pack dozens of fish into 10 gallons.
Just seems to me the more fish keeper in the world the better and telling people they must follow such special guidelines seems to me to discourage people from fully enjoying the hobby
What is defined as a professional fish keeper? Breeders keep hundreds of fish in small containers. Retailers pack dozens of fish into 10 gallons.
Just seems to me the more fish keeper in the world the better and telling people they must follow such special guidelines seems to me to discourage people from fully enjoying the hobby
I probably should have worded it as responsible experienced fish keepers. I am not trying to discourage people from the hobby, but educate people on what is best for the fish
Stocking a tank is more than just how many inches of fish can fit in there. We need to take into account the behaviour of the fish, the compatibility of the fish, the water needs of the fish etc. If a 5 gallon tank was very shallow and long it would be fine for neons, but typical 5 gallon tank are not this shape - they do not have enough length for neons to be able to swim properly.
Take zebra danios - they need a tank at least 3 feet long with some people recommending 4 feet as the minimum. Based on their size alone, a 10 gallon tank would be suitable for a shoal, but they swim so fast that they need a long tank.

Shops overstock their tanks because the fish will only be in there for a short time (they hope)
Incorrect. Let’s say for example I have a 12 inch long pleco, would you put that in a 12 gallon tank? After all, it is an inch per gallon isn’t it?

See, it doesn’t make sense. Neon tetras need to have a minimum tank base size of 60cm by 30cm.
I have a 30 gallon and it has 5 danios, 5 bloodfin tetras, bristlenose pleco, 3 corys, 4 platys and 1 gourami. Is that too many fish for that tank?
Well let’s address the first issue, both bloodfin tetras and danios need to be in groups of 6 or more. Cory’s also need to be in groups of six or more. Danios need cooler water than Gouramis do, so I can imagine that your danios are very uncomfortable.

Setting all of that aside, if you had the proper amount fish in each grouping, I still think that it would be a slight over stock.
Albino corys can have 3 but yes i probay should have 4 but they are fine for now. I keep the tank at 76 which is great for all fish and i did have 6 danios and bloodfins but one of each died on transport. I wil end up buying one more danio and bloodfin soon i am just waiting for my local petstore to get them in stock.
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That word..... We need to provide our fish with the very best we can. We don’t want them to just be, “Fine”. We want them to be happy and healthy.

Danios need to have their water at 64-70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Gouramis need to have their water at 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

This is a quote from “Peaceful and gregarious. Should be maintained in a group of at least 4-6 individuals.”
They also need a tank base of 80 cm and 30cm.

I am just telling you that your fish stocking isn’t compatible, even if it’s “working” for you.
Albino corys can have 3
All cories need to be in a group of at least 6. You can mix species to some extent but they are always better with a group of their own species.
Albinos are no different. It doesn't matter whether they are albino peppered cories or albino bronze cories, they both need a group of at least 6 with more being better.
More or less. It depends on the species of gourami as to what tank size they need. Honey gouramis are fine in 30 gallons but the larger species need bigger tanks.

And you forgot to mention that platies are hard water fish while the rest are soft water fish ;)

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