Still No Fish! Please Help

Retested pH at 12.30 - 6.5, then did approx 65/70 per cent water change.

Rechecked water parameters 2hrs ago:-
pH 8
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0.5
Nitrate 50

Added ammonia to bring it back up to 5ppm.

Now just keeping fingers crossed that some of my bacteria have survived, will retest in the morning. Wish I knew what caused the pH to drop like that. Wasn't testing pH every day as I know that it alters whilst cycling so not sure how long it had been that low. Will now test every day.

Thanks for everyones help. :good:

Exactly the same with me. I'm going to test my ammonia tonight which I'm sure will be near to Zero then I'll take it up again to 3mg to 4mg and then test again 12 hours later tomorrow morning. Then I'll know if the ammonia bacteria can handle the full stock. My Nitrite is at 0.5mg so that should be clear tomorrow :good:

All good eh, looks like both our tanks will be ready the same time :hyper:

Good luck
Martin :good:

PS What are you planning on putting in yours by the way?
Retested pH at 12.30 - 6.5, then did approx 65/70 per cent water change.

Rechecked water parameters 2hrs ago:-
pH 8
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0.5
Nitrate 50

Added ammonia to bring it back up to 5ppm.

Now just keeping fingers crossed that some of my bacteria have survived, will retest in the morning. Wish I knew what caused the pH to drop like that. Wasn't testing pH every day as I know that it alters whilst cycling so not sure how long it had been that low. Will now test every day.

Thanks for everyones help. :good:

Exactly the same with me. I'm going to test my ammonia tonight which I'm sure will be near to Zero then I'll take it up again to 3mg to 4mg and then test again 12 hours later tomorrow morning. Then I'll know if the ammonia bacteria can handle the full stock. My Nitrite is at 0.5mg so that should be clear tomorrow :good:

All good eh, looks like both our tanks will be ready the same time :hyper:

Good luck
Martin :good:

PS What are you planning on putting in yours by the way?

Not exactly sure yet, want to get some that are fairly easy to keep. Would definately like some corys ( probably bronze), poss some male guppies, and perhaps one male pearl gourami and two females. Not decided on what else. Only got a 125litre tank so got to watch the numbers.

It will just be nice to have some fish, sure you feel the same. :rolleyes:

Good luck.
Not exactly sure yet, want to get some that are fairly easy to keep. Would definately like some corys ( probably bronze), poss some male guppies, and perhaps one male pearl gourami and two females. Not decided on what else. Only got a 125litre tank so got to watch the numbers.

It will just be nice to have some fish, sure you feel the same. :rolleyes:

Good luck.

Yeah I do indeed. Have a good read of Miss Wiggle's thread regarding what fish to have and how many in your tank, it gives you some good ideas. My partner and I have made a list of what we are getting, was surprised at how hard it can be, especially if you want a peaceful fun tank throughout :hyper:

We've ordered our plants from as I've been told that they are very good. It's all in the timing, I will have a maximum of 12 hours to do a 90% water change, plant and set up the plant life in the tank and get it all ready for the community, then go around to the fish suppliers to purchase all the fish, then introduce them to the water. I thinkn I will do two or maybe three journey's to the suppliers as introducing them alone will take a while :drool:

A lot of work but I'm really looking forward to it :D

Martin :good:
good luck to both of you with your stocking, the link's in my sig

won't give you ideas for fish but should tell you how to work out a stocking list which won't end in disaster :good:
Just tested water parameters again, also did them first thing this morning:-

pH 8
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 4+++
Nitrates 100+++

So it looks as though I have been incredably lucky and not killed all my bacteria off after all.
Have just added more ammonia and need to sit back and wait for the nitrites to fall.

It's good that we have a forum like this to help when things go wrong, otherwise we would probably either give up or get in a worse mess. Many thanks.
Just tested water parameters again, also did them first thing this morning:-

pH 8
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 4+++
Nitrates 100+++

So it looks as though I have been incredably lucky and not killed all my bacteria off after all.
Have just added more ammonia and need to sit back and wait for the nitrites to fall.

It's good that we have a forum like this to help when things go wrong, otherwise we would probably either give up or get in a worse mess. Many thanks.

I totally agree, this has been a god send.

My results we great this morning too, looks like my ammonia bacteria can obliterate 3mg of ammonia over night, just added 4mg at 10:00 this morning, so I will check it again tonight same time. My Nitrite is still at 0.5mg so that a little frustrating :crazy:

Plants haven't arrived anyway, so not too bothered :hyper:

Hope your Nitrite drops fast soon.


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