Steph's 7G Planted Cube

I do like sexy shrimp :) mine (only one female ATM) hosts my sun coral.
So tank will be here tomorrow (YAY!)
Listing some macros/grasses I will def. be getting... partially so I don't forget their names haha and a short description.

Cymopolia Barbata (Green, segmented & calcified)
Red Halymenia AKA Dragon Breath (Red & orange)
Ochtodes (Blue/Purple)
Codium (Green, "Velvet" Looking)
rhodophyta Gelidiaceae (Red, "Fern" macro)

Oar Grass (small, 1-4")
Star Grass (small, 1-4")
Shoal grass (Grow tall, 8-10")

Codium (Green, "Velvet" Looking)

We dont get alot of nice macro-algaes or sea grasses over here, would love to try some, although I did see a rock covered in Codium the other day, was tempted but didnt know anything about it, so stayed well clear!

Seffie x
Hi Steph

Was interested in the idea of the grasses and have been having a little potter round the tinternet - I came across someone selling Heteranthera zosterifolia (Star grass) but they are saying it is for fresh water?

I would really like some in my main tank, what is your thinking?

Ps I have bought some, so all according to what you say, to which tank I put it in :p, no pressure
I think it is a case of where common names become trouble seffie! Marine star grass is Halophila engelmannii.
I think it is a case of where common names become trouble seffie! Marine star grass is Halophila engelmannii.

Ah ha, thought as much, luckily my grand daughter (or should I say we) have a planted trop tank, so it wont go to waste :good:

Seffie x
For your enjoyment:

In other news...
Ordered the decap. brine shrimp eggs and a special enrichment for them.

A stand is in the process of being built for the tank... Decided that was the best route. Once that's done, the ball will be rolling faster!
so why you wasting your money on the real things when you've got such realistic cut outs ?

:rofl: sorry couldn't resist

the tank looks very cool and crisp will look great :clap:
#129###? you telling me those arnt real????

i feel used...

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