Stef`s New Marine Tank

agree with seffie here, my sg is way higher than some shop tanks but if i am honest, i adding my frogspawn pretty quicky as i find it to be a hardy coral, i just floated the bag for half an hour or so and every few minutes just added a 100ml syringe of tank water to the bag.
I know my tank is probably too small but out of interest whats the minimum size tank for a yellow tang?

Also are all butterfly fish difficult to keep?
Would a spotted wrasse be okay in my current setup? I saw one today at a LFS and thought I would like one.

Also does anybody knowif I could add Halides to my Bayu 550TL so thatI could grow on hard coral frags?

Would a spotted wrasse be okay in my current setup? I saw one today at a LFS and thought I would like one.

Also does anybody knowif I could add Halides to my Bayu 550TL so thatI could grow on hard coral frags?


Have you got a latin name because spotted wrasse comes up with several names in google?

Halides on a nano can cause severe heat problems so I would not recommend. LPS can be grown under T5 and LED which are less heat prone but SPS will need higher amounts of T5 or LED but still could work.
I haven`t got a latin name but could get it at the weekend.

Here are my latest two corals.

View attachment 57650

I have noticed tonight that there appear to be small white stick like shapes coming out of the edge of my leather coral. They are too small to get a photo unfortunately.

Any idea what these may be?


Heres a picture of it. They look as if they are white claws but at present are too small to photograph.

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