Stef`s New Marine Tank

I think I will stick to soft corals at the moment until I get more experience. In the first tank I had a complete colapse with the result of losing all the fish and eventually all of the corals as well. Still not completely sure what happened but think I was getting a false reading from the nitrite test. Want to take it a step at a time now.

I really liked the shape and colour of the green plating Montipora. Does anybody know a similar soft coral?

For some reason I have tried a couple of mushrooms but they seem to shrivel up and die shortly after being introduced so will avoid these as well although I have a hairy mushroom that seems to doing very well!
I have heard that certain fish should be introduced first or last etc.

I will be adding more fish in time. I currently have a six line wrasse, a cleaner wrasse, 2 humbugs, a royal gamma and a algae jewel blenny.

I want to introduce a dwarf angel ( coral beauty or stripped) , a firefish, a goby or two ( yellow watchman, blue cheek or Randals shrimp) and possibly a cardinal.

Should I introduce them in a certain order and could there be problems with the fish that i currently have? How long should you leave it before introducing the next one? Is it okay to introduce this many over time?

I have just added an external uv filter ( with a volume capacity of 22 litres) to help water flow and clarity. Tank is 250 litres.

Add the firefish / goby first or the cardinal. Add the dwarf angel last.

You are going to need to watch the six line wrasse and the royal gramma.

You still have your other tank don't you, they may need some time out whilst you introduce the new fish.

The angel should stick up for itself and take over the tank, the others particularly the firefish could get picked on severely.

I wanted to introduce some chromis or yellow tail damsels but cant due to the humbugs.

Could I do a similar thing with them? Are there any other shoal fish that I could introduce?
I really would not with the humbugs.

There are very few damsels that do ok with clowns, humbugs and yellow tails do not mix nicely. You will need to keep an eye on them with anything that you add.
I have noticed two white jelly like substances on some live rock.

The one is tubular with a hole in the end the other is round with black spots.

At present both are too small to take a photo.

Any ideas what these could be and should I try to remove them?
Tried to get a photo of the first one but now cant see it!

Got a photo of the other one.

Its about an inch long and looks like a circular tube with an opening at the end. It appears hollow inside.

I tried to move the rock the other one was on and it seemed to disappear but there is now a very small white blob. I think it might have deflated and is slowly inflating again if that makes sense.

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