Starting Again after many years

Essjay thank you for the extra advice, now knowing that my tap water is Nitrate 39.66, should I avoid adding plant feed.
Plant food is more than just nitrate. Plants need something like 13 elements to thrive, many of which are already in tap water. If you want to use a plant food, look at TNC Lite which does not contain nitrogen in any form.
Just done my water tests for today
ph has fallen from 7.6 to 7.4
Ammonia still 0
Nitrite still 0
Nitrate 10 / 20 the orange on the chart look identical to me so can't say if 10 or 20
Super 👌 as long as the colour doesn't darken from what you see 20 as looking like then it's all could always post a photo of your results against the chart if you'd like us to confirm the reading but sounds fine.

Have you thought about what fish you'd like to have? Your Congos should just about do ok although they do prefer softer water than what we have here in Lincs
Have not thought too far in advance other than a per of Pearl Gourami, a school of Harlequin, and a school of Panda Cory.

Will take a picture of water tests tomorro
Unfortunately all of those are soft water fish.

There are 2 options.
Use plain tap water and keep hard water fish - Rift Lake cichlids, most livebearers, most rainbowfish
Mix tap water with RO water to lower hardness and keep soft water fish.

Soft water fish have evolved to hang on to the small amount of calcium and magnesium in the water they come from. When they are kept in hard water, their bodies still hang onto those now plentiful minerals and calcium deposits form in the kidneys and other organs, reducing the life span
I gave up trying with softening the water, too much faff and more to go wrong. After a few years struggling with livebearers and their dramas with internal parasites, I've settled on Rainbow fish. They do extremely well in our water and they're just gorgeous. They do get quite big depending on which you choose and need to be kept in groups, but more importantly they are extremely active and need the space the dart around and show off.

According to Seriously Fish however, pearl gourami can live in waters with PH up to 8 and 30 dH....🤷‍♀️
Hmmmm, even FishBase gives the range as 5 to 19 dH and pH as 6.0 to 8.0. That does surprise me.
todays test results (I don't think the picture is 100% true colours)
My interpretation, left to right
ph max
ph high 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20


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Yup, I'd say you were about there...from the photo though, your Nitrates to me look closer to 40. So if it were me I'd do a nice big water change at this point 🙂

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