Spawn Diary V1 ~ Maui + Kula


Fish Addict
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
Northern California
:hyper: YES, it's true! I actually set up the spawn tank! I wanted to keep it very simple and clean, so it's a 10 gallon glass tank 1/2 filled with a bubbler, a small heater, 10 Java Ferns, a nice clump of Willow Moss, 1/3 of a giant Indian Almond Leaf in one corner and small piece of bubblewrap in another corner; and a small floating breeding box, but that's for later! The temp is consistently 79*, and it's treated with Amquel and a small dose of Novaqua. I soaked the IAL for a while, but there's still plenty of tea coloring to the water.

I have decided to put Maui in the tank first, let him feel it out and build a BIG nest *crosses fingers*, then add my li'l girl! I know Kula is more than ready... she has been permenantly barred up, whether she sees another Betta or not, for the past 3 weeks that I've been conditioning them.

FRIDAY 10/7 will be the spawning day, if all goes as planned! Here are the luverly Mom + Pops, and a couple pictures of the just-set-up spawning tank. Pretty snazzy, huh :hey:!? LOL... thanks to ALL of the wonderful advice you've all given me, it has really meant a LOT, and keep it coming!! Please, everyone wish me luck on getting plenty of healthy little HM's!... also, I am taking baby reservations early ;) hehe





Aww YAY~! I love being able to see others spawn logs...hehe its so fun! I cant wait for you to share the baby expierence! you have a BEAUTIFUL pair...and a nice tank set-up...keep us updated....

psst...Maybe if we both have nice babies we can swap/trade some haha :sly: :shifty:
Again, another person has succombed to my subliminal messages :)S Breed bettas, :S breed bettas for me :S ). See, you just missed it again. I really have done some wonderful work in this forum. I must say.

Congrats! Keep us posted on your spawn.
^.^ thanks for the comments, you guys! I just checked on Maui, and he has half of the IAL covered in a nice deep bubblenest. I'm sooo happy he used the IAL, this might just be a big spawn!

LOL, its all your fault lljdma!! I have noticed that lots of people are spawning :hey: which is goood. I probably won't be doing 3 spawns at once like Lady ;)... heheh
GoodLuck!! I'm sure everything will turn out fine as you have looked really hard into this and didn't just jump in!! Can't wait to see the outcomes!!
OMG, it seems like you've been wanting to breed these two forever and now the time has finally come!! :hyper:
Best of luck, I can't wait to see what the babies will look like!
:wub: thanks Samantha and Rio!! you have both taught me a LOT! ergh, I just put Kula into the breeding trap and they're checking each other out like mad.... I'm SO excited, and SO SO nervous! I know, it has felt like forever, and I probably would've procrastinated more if they weren't approaching the end of their primes :look:... Hopefully all of the research will be worth it! Maui's nest if fricking ENORMOUS! He has never, ever built a nice that big and deep, ever. And he was very disinterested in his bloodworms this morning like he had something else on his mind, so I think he knows whats up ;)

I'll update with pics of the embrace (God willing) and the nest! I can't believe I'll have little babies in a couple days :fun: *g*
YAY! I am so excited for you! I cant wait to see pictures...hopefully youll witness the embrace its breath taking! Can't wait for updates and pictures! :D
YAY! I am so excited for you! I cant wait to see pictures...hopefully youll witness the embrace its breath taking! Can't wait for updates and pictures! :D

thanks, Lady :hey:! so far, they're still "courting" ~ she has gone under the nest a few times to check it out for a minute, then she pokes it and messes it up then flares at Maui, and he chases her back to the plants. But last time she checked out the nest, she nudged him a little so hopefully they'll get going soon!! I would DIE if I missed the embrace >.< so I might not be sleeping tonight. heh
Thats what I did for my spawn with Zion and Wendy! haha I just took like hour naps haha throughout the course of a couple days...then the one day I slept they did it! I swear they knew! haha but then with Isis and Dawna they just did it! haha guess it depends on how comfortable they are with onlookers! haha :) Hope you can see it though...make sure the camera is charged! haha take pictures too~ Good luck :)
I know what you mean, Lady ;)... I woke up really, really early to look at them. They were both resting a little, so I left them alone. At 8 am, they tried to embrace once, but Maui slipped off and Kula went back into the plants. I had to leave at 8:30 for Flyball practice with Gonzo ~ so my Dad had watch duties. He said they only tried 2 more times to embrace while I was gone.

When I got home at 11 they started up again and still failed. Around noon, I FINALLY got to see a real embrace and eggs starting coming out :wub: it was awesome! I'm so happy I got to be there, I think they waited around for their Mommy to come back before they really did it. They were extremely gentle with each other, and Maui was a good little boy grabbing most of the eggs and putting them into the nest before Kula woke up each time. Kula ate the eggs at the bottom at first, then she actually started helping put them into the nest <3... that was the best part! They embraced for over 2 hours! Straight! The huge nest is basically full of eggs, it's a pretty good sized spawn :thumbs:. It looks like 200-300 to me. >_< I think I might need to expand my spawn room out of my closet, if thats the case!!

Ok, here's the pics... I got mostly horrid pictures, because it was dark, and I didn't want to turn the bright flash on and freak them out, and the water is tea-colored. But, oh well. You guys get the idea ;).. also, I'm attaching a (LONG) video of an embrace and them collecting the eggs! For any of you who haven't seen it happening, it's kind of awesome. Don't mind that they both look like they lost a fight with a lawnmower -_-.. Maui was more-or-less like that before, and his tail is healthy and regrowing, and Kula just got her butt beaten. She's perfectly happy and hungry now that she's back in her clean medicated tank.

Her hidey-spot was behind the heater! This is right after I released her, she marched right up to Maui and he proceded to take a nice bite out of her anal fin :X

Checking out the nest (and then destroying it...)

This was his first time trying to embrace her. A *little* bit akward!

Finally a good grip

We have eggs!!!


Mommy and Daddy putting the eggs in :wub:

Maui being a good pops :* he has been suprisingly awesome with his babies!

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