South Asia Via South Hams

How are you finding the green neons Stu? Considering getting a small shoal for my next project along with Oto's and Cherry Shrimp.

Tank looks excellent as always. :good:

They school together really well, but then i've always found Rasboras tend to better than Tetra's (Rummys aside)
They are a much better colour in real life than my pics show, and the blue seems better now that they're filling out, especially after live food.
Maybe not show stopping, but quite an active little fish for a smaller tank

Seem to vary quite a bit in price anything from £2-£3
There's also Neon Blue Rasbora, Sundadanio Axelrodi, that looked pretty good @ the LFS

Ah ha! They look great :D

Get there in the end
Yeah i think it is. After hearing how much Tizer pays for fish it kind of makes me glad i live where i do. :lol:
Why do you think i had those 2 Pitbull plecs off you.P@H here hardly ever have them, and 2 of my LFS want a tenner each for them.
Movement, we definitely have Hairgrass movement.
One week after moving the spraybar, and adjusting the flow, my lazy Parvula is starting to show signs of runners.Tiny, but def runners
Been away for last 2 weeks, sunning myself in warmer climes.
Good news, very little algae, apart from the bit of hair on the odd leaf.I'd taken the lighting down to 4 hours, stopped the carbon, and dosed enough ferts for the 1st weeks.
Bad news, the foreground plants Parvula & Stau have died back a fair bit.Neither had ever really took off how i had hoped for.
The tank looks unbalanced like it is, and isn't how i pictured it.Don't know if i can be bothered to correct it
Maybe cut my losses and do something completely different.Possibly Dutch influenced, no hardscape, just plants.Lots of reading needed for that to happen.
Also lost a few of the Kubotai, which is a bit of a bummer

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