South Asia Via South Hams

The crypt should bounce back nicely. Don't worry too much about it.

Thanks.what i really meant, was that, when it was delivered, the Walkeri was a lot bigger than i thought it would get (maybe emmersed). Was after a crypt about the same size as Pet, but not Pet.(already got it in other tank)
If that makes any sense
Bit of growth,since last update.The Stau, front right, is only temporary till it goes into propagator.The ridiculously tall C.Walkeri stem will be prunned back once it starts growing back new leaves, lost one of them since it completely melted.

Note to self:don't buy any more crypts online.Had 2 lots, from 2 different suppliers.Disappointed by both.Spend more on pots at LFS, where you can see the root growth.

Alternanthera is holding it's colour with moderate growth.H.Pinnatifada is stuggling.Parvula is sulking, and not doing anything yet.

Dosing 2ml easycarbo, 4ml TPN+.Lights upto 7 hours now.

Added otos to clear up the diatoms that have started.Added 8 tiny Microrasbora Kubotai.Will up the numbers over coming weeks.

Thanks for looking





Looks great Stu

I hope your luck continues with the alternanthera, mine just melted off, looks so good when its doing well though, i just use a cut back tiger lotus for pink/red now

Like the wood, similar to mine? :)
It is coming along nicely! I like the colours in the last picture best.

Thanks, slowly but surely.Still need to work on my photography skills, down side to a white background seems to be the glare.
May change to black, it'll help show off the colours in the Neon Green Ras

Looks great Stu

I hope your luck continues with the alternanthera, mine just melted off, looks so good when its doing well though, i just use a cut back tiger lotus for pink/red now

Like the wood, similar to mine? :)

Not sure what type of wood it is.Some sort of generic 'swamp root' or driftwood apparently.
Looking good, reminds me of my last scape :), once that's grown in fully it will look awesome.
Looking good, reminds me of my last scape :), once that's grown in fully it will look awesome.

Cheers.I know what you mean, i was hoping no one would notice.

I'd been looking through loads of articles, got a few ideas together, planted it up, then yours got bumped so i saw it again.
If mine looks half as good, i'll be chuffed.
At least i didn't go with Embers
Week 11

Finally gave up on the Hygro Pinna.It never really took, it would grow new leaves which would die off, regrow new ones, which died off etc,etc
Replaced it with Echindorus Red devil, and also added Echinodorus compacta
Pinched out the Alternanthera to try and keep that small and bushy.
Hygro Corymbosa is shooting up fast, as is Hygro Polysperma Rosanverig
Hairgrass isn't doing much either way, so have pruned to try and encourage.
Stau repens melted and has yet to come back, though the 'stalks' are green and still alive.
up to 15 Neon green microrasbora & some Amanos.Looking for ideas on a pair or trio of something to finish the stock.Something Asian maybe Badis Badis
Though i did see some nice A.Borelli last week.(ignore refugee Boliviain Ram)




Ech Compacta


In situ

that is looking great Stu. I love it when a tank passes that transitional stage and grows into it's own. Brilliant Stu.
Just refreshed myself via page 1, its developed pretty quickly!

I might have a bash at the alternanthera again, you've tempted me! Its looks great, any chance I can see those neon greens up close (haha what a challenge this will be) i love those, first time ive seen them on here

I cant see anything but a pair of german blues in this tank, think they would look great
that is looking great Stu. I love it when a tank passes that transitional stage and grows into it's own. Brilliant Stu.
Cheers, your new scape gave me a few ideas.

Really nice looking tank mate


Just refreshed myself via page 1, its developed pretty quickly!

I might have a bash at the alternanthera again, you've tempted me! Its looks great, any chance I can see those neon greens up close (haha what a challenge this will be) i love those, first time ive seen them on here

I cant see anything but a pair of german blues in this tank, think they would look great

I did try, but they just came out as a yellow blur

They've got a wicked blue lateral line running through em.Might have to borrow a SLR.Being so small, they help make the tank look bigger.
Would love GBR's, but my water is a little too hard for them.Might try ½ & ½ RO on the next scape tho....
looks great ive just picked up a tank about that size and its just plain glass
what light hood is that?
what filter are you using?
and do you stand the tank on anything like foam?

sorry for all the question,

looks great ive just picked up a tank about that size and its just plain glass
what light hood is that?
what filter are you using?

The tank is a £30 clearseal bog standard P@H (saving up for a custom made one)
It's an Arcadia T8 2x15W Luminaire (pricey new, but i 'won' it on ebay for a ridiculously low price).One of the bulbs was an awful pink thing which i changed for a 6500k one
Tetratec EX600 (going cheap on Amazon occasionally if you keep an eye out) & this week i've added a Hydor inline heater
I have it on a piece of foam yes.
Don't worry about the questions.
this is another thread we can use to show that you don't need high light to keep red plants red. :good:

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