Tank - 60X31X38
Lighting - 2x T8 15w luminaire
Substrate - Cat litter capped with 1-2mm quartz gravel
Ferts -TPN+ 3ml, Easycarbo 1.2ml
Filtration - Tetratec EX600
Plants - Hygro Corymbosa,Aponogeton Crispus,Hygro Polysperma 'Rosanverig',Eleocharis Parvula,Crypt Amoricum,Hygro Pinnatifida,Alternanthera Reineckii,Crypt Walkeri
Livestock - 17 Microdevario Kubotai, 3 Otos
First pics
Parvula to go left to right.Foreground open
.C.Walkeri to go far left in front of the
Still need something in of this, not sure what yet.The options as i see it are
Parvula, to tie in with existing (least favoured)
2.Foreground plant with similar leaves i.e bladed.
Slightly concerned about both the
Alternanthera,if it takes, is it too big? & the
H.Pinnatifida .Lovely plant, will it melt?
Thanks for looking