South Asia Via South Hams

Crypt Balanase, Crypt Amoricum & H.Polysperma 'Rosanervig' bought.
Hairgrass & Crypt Walkeri ordered.
Resisted urge to buy Black Emperors 'Nematobrycon amphiloxus'
Doh ! the Balansae turned out to some sort of Aponogeton probably the crispy one (they're bulbs),and the rest of the stuff didn't arrive in the country cause of Chinese New Year.
Planted up what i have last weekend.Daily 50% W.C since then
Tank - 60X31X38
Lighting - 2x T8 15w luminaire
Substrate - Cat litter capped with 1-2mm quartz gravel
Ferts -TPN+ 3ml, Easycarbo 1.2ml
Filtration - Tetratec EX600
Plants - Hygro Corymbosa,Aponogeton Crispus,Hygro Polysperma 'Rosanverig',Eleocharis Parvula,Crypt Amoricum,Hygro Pinnatifida,Alternanthera Reineckii,Crypt Walkeri
Livestock - 17 Microdevario Kubotai, 3 Otos

First pics







More Parvula to go left to right.Foreground open.C.Walkeri to go far left in front of the H.Corymbosa.
Still need something in of this, not sure what yet.The options as i see it are
1.More Parvula, to tie in with existing (least favoured)
2.Foreground plant with similar leaves i.e bladed. E.Tennelus?
Slightly concerned about both the Alternanthera,if it takes, is it too big? & the H.Pinnatifida .Lovely plant, will it melt?

Thanks for looking
hey Stu, it needs more plant mass in there. I would also add some rock around the base of the wood, it would look more natural. The Alternanthera should take, it may melt off to begin with, but it should be OK. It may get to big for the front there. I had Pinnatifida in a high tech tank and it melted after a couple of months for some reason. I'm sure it would have recovered, but i got rid. Its a nice plant though.
thanks.A lot of the stems are very small ATM, just waiting for them to fill in, behind the wood.want a foreground on the left still.May keep on top of the Alternanthera with pruning,couldn't get hold of any mini.
Will have a think about extra rock at the base, i've got more of the same soaking.
Looks great Stu. The wood is nice. As is the tank and lighting. Has the making of another great scape from you. :)
Cheers.I know how i want it to look.Might take a little while to get there.Right now it's a grower not a show-er
More Parvula in, also added C.Wenditii 'brown', H.Corymbosa 'Angustifolia' & C.Walkeri,which i hope has been grown emmersed, because it's big
Going to have to get condensation tray.Caught the stupid cat drinking from the tank earlier.
into 3rd week.Lighting upto 6 hours.
C.walkeri has completly melted.See how big it gets when it regrows, maybe change for C.Petchii.
Apono.'s have grown about 10cm already, Alternanthera has not melted yet, and grown more leaves.Same for H.Pinnatifada was has thrown out a runner.(fingers crossed).
into 3rd week.Lighting upto 6 hours.
C.walkeri has completly melted.See how big it gets when it regrows, maybe change for C.Petchii.
Apono.'s have grown about 10cm already, Alternanthera has not melted yet, and grown more leaves.Same for H.Pinnatifada was has thrown out a runner.(fingers crossed).

The crypt should bounce back nicely. Don't worry too much about it.


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