Some Of These Fry..

Thanks for the comments everyone else. I can already foresee the death of this topic.

(whisper)Don't kill, just do that voodoo that you do so well.... Big Brother.... -_- -_- -_- He's out there...watching...waiting...Oooooooo....

I'm being totally silly now, I'll stop. But he's there, ya know...
I believe that would be me :shifty:

jollysue ~ :)
Thanks DD :wub:
Ok, that was a serendipitous joke that is still developing. I'm talking about the Kill Bill Kung Fu sorority ladies that I have planned. And the chance that one may be a wuv girl. It occurs to me that there is another "Bill" that may be hanging around. Hehe Why did they take the rofl smiley away?
Your DT's are beautiful :wub:! I love their bodies. I love your marbles too. I hope I can get a couple when they are ready to go.

Are any of the babies going to the show, or are they too young still?
Are you implying that these are just like lfs bettas? If not, I see no contradiction

no I mean by the fact that the all white fish has a fault in it's genes causing it to be all white and if you bred from it the offspring would be quite different to each other some might be red others would be white with a patch of red and all breeders should be trying for the most pure strain of betta possible not ramdomly coloured offspring
I suppose if you feel the idea of breeding siblings into the ground to get a pure strain is what's "supposed" to be done- then we see things very differently. And you've obviously missed the point of a marble. There is no better choice in the world for that male than that particular female, imo. And she has no fault, she's a cellophane. You must be of the opinion that getting a strain happens in what,the first,the second generation? Do tell me more. Please show me an example of a "pure strain" that didn't have oddities in it for the first few generations.

Thanks for the comments everyone else. I can already foresee the death of this topic.

why are you commenting on things that aren't in my post
Thanks for the comments everyone else. I can already foresee the death of this topic.

why are you commenting on things that aren't in my post
Oy vey :X

*bounces back on topic with her best chipper, daycare-leader smile*
Wuv, do you have any recent pics of the marble girls? I'd love to see some li'l cheesecakes :D
Awww, I love their thick little bodies so much! :wub:
I'm especially fond of the little boy with a flesh-coloured mask over his eyes, hehe
Ahh, I think I'm going to cry :-( . They are sooooo cute!
I don't think I've ever seen a more perfect batch of bettas! They have all my favorite traits wrapped into one tiny little flaring package :wub:

You might have said this and I missed it, but how old are they now and how much longer until they can leave home? :hey:
Jen, they're exactly two months old. They still need a few more weeks, they look mature but they're still so tiny ^_^ I think that's what cracks me up the most- they're fully developed and itty bitty :lol:

Synirr~ He's one of my faves :*) He has so much personality, it's hilarious.

Andie~ Thanks and I'll try to get a picture tomorrow. The lights are out in the fishroom already and everyone is sleeping :)
Wuv- that line reminded me of the book The Napping House- "where everyone is sleeping" :lol: Far be it from me to wake them up ;) Just know that I'm looking forward to pics when they come :thumbs:
I thought others' might be having the same problem. Since theyu changed the forum design, the older pitures are not showing anymore. Just the message "user posted image" with the redx. I can't see the pictures Wuv posted to begin the thread. That is true on other threads: pics I could see, I can no longer see. :/

Well I rechecked that and it's my laptop that wasn't able to get the pics. I'm home now and my desk top is fine. I can see the babies again :D
For Andie.....

The other girls are less than cooperative. They like to look at me and it makes it impossible to take a pic. I had to trick the one shown with a "Is that a rabbit over there,looook!" just to get a side shot :rolleyes:

Some? plz

A red one and a strawberry marble cheese cake one and a cheese cake. :D
:lol: Consider it done ;)
Although I can't promise the DT girls will *stay*marbled. I'm kinda curious as to what they're going to do.
Whoop!! Call me greedy!! :D :drool:

Ooohh! they are so pretty: my Kung Foo Ladies.

I will send pictures. If I can learn how to upload them I'll send 60 second movies.

They will be pretty beautiful.

Thanks Wuv :wub: :*

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