Some Of These Fry..

hey wuv...i have a pk that's red and yellow
This is Kaden

his body isn't quite that dark, it was a difficult pic to take in the divided tank
Woah! :hyper:
I had to do a double take on that one... not something you see every day!
Hey...Wuv...Can you give me 2 bettas...I pay for shipping. or if you want to pay for shipping it could that would work... and I live in the U.S (California) if your interested you can E-mail me at:

or AIM:thefilipinofob

OR IF anyone is interested in giving me or lending me a betta ill be more than happy to house it or them...
wow, i'm sorry wuv...i seemed to have hyjacked your thread!
Well, i'll just add one more post. If you or anyone out there has a yellow female plakat you want to sell or lend, please pm me.

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