Some Of These Fry..

Aww, cheesecake boy's babies :wub: He's sooo gorgeous . . . his kids are too. Gah . . . hmm . . . do I have an empty tank? *looking around, starts counting* Bah . . . just the Kritter Keeper I use to transport my hamster :(

Hmm . . . now I have an excuse to GET an empty tank! :lol:
sorry for asking so much about them wuv, I just want a male plakat soooooooo bad. so how old are the little guys now? :kana: :hyper: :nod: :drool: :p

P.S. do you guys do the pictures of your bettas on a website? If so tell me which one.
awww,no worries. They're only like 6 or 7 weeks right now.

Andie~ I love how you call him cheesecake boy :lol: He really does look delicious :whistle:
Wow wuv, are those the same babies from before? They look great for 6-7 weeks! As I have said before, I have already claimed a Marble. :p Awesome!
I :drool: with anticipation. I know it's a while yet, but it's fun to dream.
hahahahahahahahahaha cheesecake boy.

What are the conditions to get bettas to breed?

P.S. male plakats short finage is so awsome! I can't wait until you start selling them! :kana: If you do sell them
Wuv- I just can't think of a more fitting nickname, 'cause he seriously makes my mouth water :lol: You know about my current ho-hum attitude toward plakats, but that boy defies all my preferences- he's so decadent looking, somehow, that he makes me go all wobbly at the knees. :wub:

*trots off to price tanks at Critters for Cheescake the Second*

Oh! No!

I was going to claim the name "Cheese Cake!" Strawberry Cheese Cake if mine has red fins. :nod:

Well, we will spell them different!

Dibs on a Cheese Cake with red fins!
lol! I was just calling him cheesecake because from the first time I saw Wuv's boy, I'd said he looked like raspberry cheesecake to me. I don't know that I would actually name his son cheesecake; maybe just refer to him that way ;)
Ohh, the marbles... :whistle:
One MUST come live at my house :wub:

Cheesecake is a perfect name!

That, or Strawberry Ripple :p
iron maiden fan said:
DaSauce89 said:
The coolness!!

theres only one? if so

Breed Him/Her  :hey:
isn't that kind of contradicting what you said in oppositearmour's thread about lfs bettas and why you shouldn't breed them

No, because #1. these aren't LFS/LPS bettas and #2. because these are Kelly's and they have been carefully bred for showing.

Although, that doesn't mean that particular one will grow up to be a breeder though. At 6 weeks old there would be no way to tell..which is why Kelly states she keeps them for 6 she can see what they develope into.
heh heh, when I first read that quote I was like "Hey now.....HEY NOW!" but that was before I saw the other thread :p
:lol: I can only imagine the first thought that crossed your mind lol.

Rather than start a new thread- I'll just add DT pics to this one..
I have one kid who has the same outstanding extended red color of his father, but I just can't get a good shot of him because he's fast (really fast) and he looks up all the are some of the others. Overall, I wound up with 17 DT's, such a small spawn and I never could get an accurate count until I jarred them. All the way up until the last minute actually, I had 5 girls left in the tank so I went to wash 5 jars- came back and there were six fish, what the heck?!? :look: So, the final count is six girls, eleven boys. All of the girls are marble, and one of the boys is....grizzly -_- The others are solid, but again, only one has what I was looking for. Ahh,well, all are adorable :wub: Funny that I didn't get ANY marble females in the F1 and the F2's have produced all marble girls. Hmmm.




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