Some Of These Fry..

Gah, they're all amazing! :drool: What cute little yellows, hehe. If any turn out like poppa it's a spawn well done :hey:
So these are plakats?

I can wait :rofl: How many bettas will I aquire while I wait is another tail of a different color. :D
Your babies are adorable! :wub:

Red-yellow marbles would look awesome. The marble I got from you is almost all red now. It is amazing how they change.
MaC, I think they are not yet up for sale. Wuv has not even jarred them. The are too young. Maybe she has an idea what she wll do. Some know what she's done before. I don't have a clue. But I thought I would answer. :nod:
I will not speak for what Wuv plans to do this time, however, in the past she has put some of her fish up for adoption. All you have to do is pay shipping.

I got 4 beautiful fish for the low price of $9 (shipping cost to Canada).
Yes, some will definitely be up for adoption, someday. But that's not until they're around 6 months old or so. I like to watch them grow and keep them to myself until then :whistle: Ya just never know what they're going to do until they come of age.

Synirr~ I think I will get some like Dad. Quite a few are showing promising signs of marbling. I think a few are going to go solid red.

FE~ I noticed that in your pic thread! He's changed so much, it struck me as odd.
I still love him. I really need to prune the plants in my tanks. The ambulia is starting to grow along the tops of the water. The marble loves to sleep there. So much so that he barely swims around. Unless of course it looks like he might get some food. I have to chop it back so the boy can get some exercise. :lol:
That's awesome though. I have an amazing knack at killing aquatic plants :/ I wish I could grow them...or had the inspiration to even try.
If you were ever to do it, go with ambulia, I don't even use lighting. No filtration, no heat, nothing and the stuff grows like mad. I have to trim it weekly. I also have some other one that is growing like mad too. I don't even know what it is called. You would need substrate though, they will grow floating, but i have found they do better rooted.

Back to the babies....

I can't wait to see what they turn out like. I would love another marble. :wub:
DaSauce89 said:
The coolness!!

theres only one? if so

Breed Him/Her :hey:
isn't that kind of contradicting what you said in oppositearmour's thread about lfs bettas and why you shouldn't breed them
Awwww :wub: . They're so cute and perfect..... and red and white :wub: . You wouldn't happen to have a telporter, would you Wuv? I thought not.... Damn :(
just a question about the coloration - most of the reds' fins look pretty solid red... do you think they will be marble or soid red? :blink:

they are sooo cute! :wub: i'll be anxiously awaiting the adopt a marble baby thread! how many do you have?
iron maiden fan said:
DaSauce89 said:
The coolness!!

theres only one? if so

Breed Him/Her  :hey:
isn't that kind of contradicting what you said in oppositearmour's thread about lfs bettas and why you shouldn't breed them

Are you implying that these are just like lfs bettas? If not, I see no contradiction.

newfishies~ There's a few with solid finnage and I think they're either going to go solid OR become grizzly cambos, hard to tell. Most are sporting the marble pattern though. Marbles change so much so it's just a guessing game right now. The pure whitish one's with the smallest specks of red are the most promising. There's even a couple/black/white/red multi's :S

Thanks OohFeeshy!

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