Soft Paws?

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oops, the last part of my post does seem to have been wrong.

certainly I would prefer that people use these soft paws than to have their cats declawed.

but I would prefer it even more if people who won't put up with this perfectly natural behaviour would get an animal that doesn't scratch a lot, rather than trying to alter one that does.

I suggest a tortoise.
No one mentioned getting the cat declawed, all she asked if anyone used soft paws. I suggest you get the chip off your shoulder and answer the question posed, or keep your off topic insults to yourself.
you need to rename your cat, the cat is rebelling because of its name :)

:rolleyes: :lol: War Eagle! :D

:lol: @ you guys. Even though I am an Alabama fan (by birth mind you..I honestly care nothing about football myself..but god FORBID anything orange be in our house lol)...I think the name Aubie is REALLY really cute...I missed the name before, went back and that's a really cute name.

Come on now..where are the pics of Aubie..huh huh huh :D ;)
you need to rename your cat, the cat is rebelling because of its name :)

:rolleyes: :lol: War Eagle! :D

:lol: @ you guys. Even though I am an Alabama fan (by birth mind you..I honestly care nothing about football myself..but god FORBID anything orange be in our house lol)...I think the name Aubie is REALLY really cute...I missed the name before, went back and that's a really cute name.

Come on now..where are the pics of Aubie..huh huh huh :D ;)

dang, i feel stupid. i actually attend auburn and i didn't notice :lol: (look, i'm just here for the engineering :p )

anyways if you have trouble clipping his claws, try doing it the next time he's asleep in your lap!
Tekknocolor - The vet practice a work at uses soft paws, and I find that if applied correctly and changed when they do start to wear down, they are very effective. I think it is great that you are trying for an alternative. :thumbs: In the mean time, it does really help to keep your cats nails trimmed very short. Our cat is not declawed, and used to go for furniture. However, I keep his nails short - just after the quick - and blunt. He can claw all he wants; it won't do jack-all to the couch with those little nubs.
Just in case I'm not around to trim, my parents have trained him in what is "ok" to claw, and what isn't. Yes, he very occasionally has a slip up, but a stern reminder sets him right back on course. We've let him scratch on a very old ratty rug, and his posts. He does differentiate between the "ok" rug and the other rugs. But, my cat is very unusually responsive to verban commands and owner dominance. So that probably wouldn't work for most people.

Good luck with the soft paws. Perhaps you could get more info on them from your vet, or from the company itself?
you need to rename your cat, the cat is rebelling because of its name :)

:rolleyes: :lol: War Eagle! :D

:lol: @ you guys. Even though I am an Alabama fan (by birth mind you..I honestly care nothing about football myself..but god FORBID anything orange be in our house lol)...I think the name Aubie is REALLY really cute...I missed the name before, went back and that's a really cute name.

Come on now..where are the pics of Aubie..huh huh huh :D ;)

dang, i feel stupid. i actually attend auburn and i didn't notice :lol: (look, i'm just here for the engineering :p )

My fiance thinks we ought to represent ;) Plus my sister went there for Pharm school. Here's a link to some pics of the little tiger:
Aubie Liger

Pica and RW: We haven't been cutting his nails ourselves because he's been going to the vet a lot to stay up to date with his shots, but everytime he goes they trim his nails for us. We plan on trimming his nails ourselves, but haven't had a need since they've been doing it on a regular basis.

RW: Thanks for the advice on talking to the vet. I'll ask her next time or have my fiance ask her when he takes Aubie to the vet. I was planning on doing it, but didn't know about the product until last week and happened upon it by chance. Just thought I'd get some heads up on it to see if it's even worth mentioning :)
oops, the last part of my post does seem to have been wrong.

certainly I would prefer that people use these soft paws than to have their cats declawed.

but I would prefer it even more if people who won't put up with this perfectly natural behaviour would get an animal that doesn't scratch a lot, rather than trying to alter one that does.

I suggest a tortoise.
No one mentioned getting the cat declawed, all she asked if anyone used soft paws. I suggest you get the chip off your shoulder and answer the question posed, or keep your off topic insults to yourself.

I suggest you read the posts before the one you quoted.
Declawing had indeed been mentioned before - it is even in the topic title! All I was doing was agreeing that of course a product like this is much preferable to what is effectively a mutilation.

The rest of the post certainly was not intended as an insult to tekknocolor - or even directed at him/her - more as a general comment about thinking about whether a pet will suit your lifestyle before getting it, rather than trying to change the pet after the fact.

I'm not entirely sure what the chip on my shoulder is actually referring to?

As to answering the question, if you look at my first post in the topic, you will see that I did. I gave my opinion and offered what I believe is a better alternative.

If you look at your first post, I think you will agree it is a hell of a lot more off topic than anything I have said.
:eek: :hyper: :wub:

OMG that is a cute cat!

This picture


is just too freakin adorable!!!

**whispers that the topic title was changed after she got jumped on for declawing lol (you just can't see it cas that feature isn't working right now)**
Look.. seriously, I don't care what anyone's views are about declawing. The topic was SOFT PAWS? subtopic DECLAWING ALTERNATIVE. It hasn't been changed, it doesn't say, "Talk about declawing" or "Give your opinions on declawing." It talks about utilizing Soft Paw as an alternative. I always thought alternative was a proposition or situation offering a choice between two or more things - only allowing one as a choice to be made. :rolleyes: Man, the website even says declawing alternative... I'd quit "reaching" if I were you...

And yes, fraservet, I found it highly insulting that you'd have the gumption to suggest me keeping a tortoise since you don't know anything about me or the animals I keep. No one said I was trying to prevent my cat from it's natural instincts. Just a way to keep my furniture and cat in tact by using soft paws. Apparently research should be condemned. Next time you may want to try more tact yourself and say something along the lines of "General insult or comment." :sly: :grr: :/ :rolleyes: *edit because I'm not a mean person and you've pushed me to that point and I highly dislike it*

SRC: That pic of Aubie is the one on my desktop currently. He was a bit discombobulated since I woke him from a nap, but was ready for fun and games right after the pic was taken. He's such a darling kitty :) :wub:
If my cat starts to scratch the furniture, I will certainly try to train him not to.
If this doesn't work, he will simply be kept out of the living room.

That is what i was trying to say!! :blink: Why is it necessary to put 'fake fingernails' on a cat? Just dont let it in the rooms you're worried about.. :/

But yeah, if you think it will make your cat look cute stick some fake fingernauils on it.. Hey, while you're at it, you could paint them pretty colours too!! :rolleyes:
SA what about us folks who don't have doors to every room in our houses? Are we suposed to lock the cat away from the rest of the family in the bathroom in exile?

The only rooms in our house that have doors are the bedrooms and bathrooms and the laundry room. All of which contain furniture items that the cat could still claw on. The living room, kitchen, dining room, hallway, and den do not have doors..they are simply entry are most houses from my experiences (I am studying to be an Interior Designer mind you).

Most houses do not come equipped with doors to every saying that you keep the cat out of that room is rather assinine. It's not a dog, a baby gate doesn't work on cats (they can climb and jump you know :look: ).

Should you just stick it in a pet carrier and let it live there, maybe? Just let the cat tear up your nice stuff? Soak all your furniture with water (that works really well on leather and linen furniture..lemme tell you) as you try to squirt the cat (who is just going to do it after you leave's like keeping them off the counters while you're not home..yeah right)?

You are damned if you do and damned if you don't, obviously. :rolleyes:

I think some of you people need to get that stick, remove it, and throw it back in the yard. Jeeze.
Well it doesn't suit everyone to fork out a lot of money, but my one cat took a particular likening to one of the sofas (in my rented apartment) and completely ruined it - to the extent where I had to buy a new one for £500 ($870) when I moved out. It was my choice to put up with a cat that didn't want to use various scratching posts provided and fork out the cost to replace the sofa. But I chose not to use soft paws - in "my" personal opinion, they are ridiculous and not normal for a cat to have. But I realise some might call me ridiculous too. I can live with that :)
lol natural? So living in a house with people and eating hard pellet type cat food is natural? -_-

I'm sorry, but these cats don't look bothered at all by these "softpaws".





Here's more..there are about a hundred pictures to look through, if you want

And yeah..I'm not going to spend $3000 on a sofa every 6 months just so a cat can use it as a scratching post. You wanna do that, fine go's your money to waste....I choose to live a more frugal lifestyle...I try to take care of my nice things....I'm sure most people do when they spend a great deal of $$$ on them. in 6 months I coudl spend that $3000 on a whole new wardrobe, or put it in a saving account for my kid's college fund, ect....not spend it again on another new couch cas I let my cat destroy it. (What if your parents gave you the couch as a special present...would you have just let the cat tear it up then? What if it was your grandmothers couch she left you and you cherished it? :/ )
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