Tomorrow is the big day! He is the one on the right seen here with his 5 brothers.
Sadly little Jabu (the lab) missed out on meeting him by just 9 days when her legs finally stopped working last weekand we had to make the dreadful call.View attachment 329314
I'm so, so sorry for your loss of your gorgeous girl. I know well the heartbreak and the agony of having to make that call. But you did the right thing when she let you know it was time.
I'm glad you have the joy of Siri's arrival and care to help you through. Jabu would want that for you. This might be for the best, in a way. Dealing with a young pup as an elderly artharitic dog can be too much at times, and this way she had your full attention until the end, without experiencing any jealousy or stress over the new arrival to the family.
Doesn't help ease the pain though, I'm so sorry. It never gets easier. I try to hold in mind that the joy she brought over her lifetime far outweighs the pain of saying goodbye. It's worth the pain in order to share our lives with these incredible creatures.