So many to choose from!!??


New Member
Sep 14, 2005
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hello, i've been researching a few types of fish to add to my tank, but i really need some help choosing which would be best suited for my tank. I already have a dwarf anglefish, peppered cory, rosey barb, golden algea eater and a male platy.

This is my wish list:

Dwarf Neon Rainbow
Reg Threadfin Rainbow
Endler Livebear
Tinfoil Barb
Cape lopez Lyretail

Please help if you can? :dunno:
I think the rainbows and harlequins would do well with the fish you have. As lovell said, you really need at least 3 corys because they are schooling fish and will be much more active in a group. Same goes for the barbs,harlequins and I believe rainbows (don't know a lot about them). One potential problem with your current residents is the golden algae eater. they become very aggressive as they get bigger and will try to eat the slime coat off other fish. Slow moving, flat bodied fish like angels are prime targets for them. What size tank do you have?

Edit: Golden algae eaters get big too, up to a foot long.
You dont state tank size, but tinfoil barbs need to be in schools, and they need roughly 100 gallons+ I think.
as you may no Tiger barbs get nippy unless in a group and you dont want to overstock :)
its not a very big tank, maybe 25 litres. I've been advised by me LPS on the fish i have,he's more or less picked out my fish so far based on my tank size. Can the size of ur tank restrict the size ur fish grow too?
ok so definatly more corys, do they have to be peppered or can you mix different types?
Im not real sure how 25L compares to gallons. I do know that tin foil barbs get pretty big and will need a lot of space eventually. Ive never seen that golden algae eater but boy, have I read some stories about them! they will suck the slime off everyone around!
oh great :( just had a totally bad experience with a parrot fish (was not given correct info etc and wasted alot of time and money on it) now it seems my fish keeping skills and enthuiasm are at an all time low. Im tryin my best to keep my fish healthy and my tank in good condition, have had spend all my birthday money(sounds lame i know) on extras and treatments and good quality food, plants etc.. but it seems that unless you have a huge tank then there is no point keeping tropical fish. Should i give up now?
i am in the same boat i think. once you get the tank up and running you are desperate to add fish but unless you have been keeping fish for a long time and have had experience its easy to add more than is ment for the size of tank... i have a similare sized tank to yourself and i think i have about the same amount of fish and this is also my first tank, but i now know that i shouldnt get any more fish due to the size of the tank :( lol well lets just save for a bigger tank and get more fish

Big Beattie

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