So Importing Live Animals Is Illegal (Uk)?

Mr Melt

Apr 18, 2011
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What is this? I know its the Daily Mail (aka. the right wing arm of Murdoch) but what are your thoughts on this?

Personally I think its relatively fine to send fish abroad, provided they properly heatpack them, provide sufficient oxygen and some food for the journey. I've acquired some of my fish that way, and they are quite happy and content =)
I was under the impression that the laws were more to do with making sure the animals aren't going to damage the ecosystem of the country it's going to, introducing foreign diseases etc, rather than the welfare of the animals.
Typical Mail reporting, they probably missed out all the important stuff.
I was under the impression that the laws were more to do with making sure the animals aren't going to damage the ecosystem of the country it's going to, introducing foreign diseases etc, rather than the welfare of the animals.
But by "for example" importing Goldfish from their countries of origin (I hear Thailand is a BIG exporter of tropical/coldwater fish) do pet shops here not break the law themselves?

Also, I'm in Northern Ireland so I've had to import some fish from across the water at times. Not too much variety here =P
The case was probably more to do with incorrect packing & not labelling the package as holding live animals.
Animals of all types are regularly shipped quite safel & legally
I was under the impression that the laws were more to do with making sure the animals aren't going to damage the ecosystem of the country it's going to, introducing foreign diseases etc, rather than the welfare of the animals.
But by "for example" importing Goldfish from their countries of origin (I hear Thailand is a BIG exporter of tropical/coldwater fish) do pet shops here not break the law themselves?

Also, I'm in Northern Ireland so I've had to import some fish from across the water at times. Not too much variety here =P

It's legal to import/export fish and other animals as long as they're accompanied by appropriate paperwork, which these ones wouldn't have been.
It could just be april fools though.
This reminds me of all the PETA stuff... LOL asking people to replace milk with beer and stop eating meat.
It could just be april fools though.
This reminds me of all the PETA stuff... LOL asking people to replace milk with beer and stop eating meat.

Im going with this theory..
Appears to be the UK version of The Onion to me.

you're not very far off at's a ridiculous 'newspaper' on par with Fox News in terms of unbiased reporting.
The Sun's just as bad; thats why I refuse to buy papers these days; prefer BBC News (for the public comments and the relatively unbiased reporting).

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