So Importing Live Animals Is Illegal (Uk)?

LFS's do not break the laws as there is usually a wholesale place they buy from and they have a licence for importing fish (I think the acutal licence is over £1M) then a vet has to check out all of the livestock prior to it being sold etc. A lot more goes into it rather than a box of fish being sent to a LFS.

There was a girl from Belfast I know who decided to bypass all these laws and take a car load of fish back to Belfast and she was given a serious fine.
Within the EU I believe its fine to sell to other countries in the EU but I'm not 100% on that.

There have been a few people caught at it. Again, a LFS owner who has a zoo licence in northern Ireland got in various animals and said he kept them but sold them on without signing the paper work over as the animal was deemed dangerous and got caught by an undercover reporter along with selling lions to a man with a huge amount of land somewhere in Dublin.

Dodgy business.
One of my LFS owners jumps in a van to Denmark fish farms, stocks up and drives back over a weekend. I don't think there are any EU laws.
mine does the same Tizer, they have to have a certificate and thats all. They buy that from the fish farm when getting the fish, it costs about a fiver.
I read this same artical in the sun was guna post the pic up on here but haven't had time lol it must of been the way they were packaged etc
Most of this papers r made for morons by morons.. Wikipedia is better if you compare with this papers..

And the pimping journalism.... Remember the news with 7 million strerlings McDonald burger story? (google it)
there is possibilities of Sri lankan government payed £ millions to this daily news papers to print this fake story.. So the whole hunger strike to stop the war in Sri Lanka in 2009 will go flop.. Plane worked perfectly.. And hunger strike failed.. Srilankan government manage to killed 160.000 people in three days.. AnyOne watched Sri lankas killing fields videos in channel 4?

Month later the hunger strike guy sue the papers.. And won in days coz there is no proof of the news paper claim of he eat a burger, when he was on the hunger strike.. ( there was 24 hour tv coverage) He won and got £30k from the news cooperations . But who is the winner here?

What kinda world we living in..

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