I need some advice on assassin snails

Well, since I was breeding a lot of plecos, I was feeding a lot of babies. They need a lot of food and no matter how well one cleans such tanks, there is always some excess food the snails can get. That gave me the pest snails. This leaves one with two options, either kill the snails or use them as food for the assassins once they have done the job for which one acquired them.

I would say that the only live food I do is feeding the pest snails to the the assassins. I see it much like angel breeders who feed their culls to something. Or how about folks who keep puffers and feed them pest snails?

Finally. almost anybody with a planted tank has some familiarity with snails they never wanted? It isn't as bad as free duckweed, but it can be close. And then there is the cash selling assassins brings. It may not be a lot but it does help pay for a bit of one's fish hobby.

But when it comes to assassins and other inverts breeding, it isn't only food that matters, water parameters also count.
My water parameters are perfect.
I agree that when you have a lot of fish you must feed a lot of food. Not all of it will get ate. But I never see the ramshorn snails eating on anything other than my live plants. Decisions, decisions, decisions.... I don't know what it best to do.
Well, since I was breeding a lot of plecos, I was feeding a lot of babies. They need a lot of food and no matter how well one cleans such tanks, there is always some excess food the snails can get. That gave me the pest snails. This leaves one with two options, either kill the snails or use them as food for the assassins once they have done the job for which one acquired them.

I would say that the only live food I do is feeding the pest snails to the the assassins. I see it much like angel breeders who feed their culls to something. Or how about folks who keep puffers and feed them pest snails?

Finally. almost anybody with a planted tank has some familiarity with snails they never wanted? It isn't as bad as free duckweed, but it can be close. And then there is the cash selling assassins brings. It may not be a lot but it does help pay for a bit of one's fish hobby.

But when it comes to assassins and other inverts breeding, it isn't only food that matters, water parameters also count.

I'm going to try a snail trap in my tank using an algae wafer or zuccinni. I'm pulling out at least 10 a day or even more. Can't stand it anymore. They popped up overnight it seemed. I don't want to get into Assassin snails, but love seeing the info.
When you say your water conditions are perfect, do you mean for your fish or for the snails? Of do you have live plants in which case the perfect question covers them as well.

In my tanks with heavy plants and fish and both shrimp and snails I have to add a bit of SeaChem Equilibrium or all of these do not thrive. In tanks with few or no plants but assassin snails, I do not need to do this.

I never use the term perfect to describe anything I do re tanks fish snails plants etc. as well as anything else in life. Whenever one says evrything is going perfectly the Universe tends to intervene to remind us we are not actually in charge of anything.

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