Sleepy Hollow

cheers SBS, they really suite the tank as they are very much bottom dwellers.

BTW i'm no Hristo Hristov lol

see here
I want some! Some of those on the thread you linked are beautiful, it's Killies or a pair of wild caught Blue Rams...I've got some decisions to make :crazy:
Thanks Minnt, the substrate is JBL Monado, you can find it in most MA.

SBS, you have already kept wild rams in the past haven't you??

Go for something different. :good:
Yeah, I've always had a thing for Rams, one of my favourite species, I found another batch of wilds in an LFS today, I'm looking for a centre piece fish and have considered Apistogramma borellii also, too many fish to choose from!
I like rams, but i like my shrimp more, the rams i have kept in the past have wiped my shrimp population. The shrimp look good and also do a job. The Killis are different to watch, very nice around the plants as well. I would say try something new ;)
Thanks Minnt, the substrate is JBL Monado, you can find it in most MA.

Cheers Ian. Is it expensive? How much did you use? I would be doing my bow fronted 180 with it so i'm guessing a similar size to yours.
Agreed. :good:

Can't say that I'm not trying something new! :hyper:
sorry Minnt, i missed this comment.

Is it expensive? How much did you use?

I bought a 25l (massive bag) for £30 and still have about 5l left over and i did slope the substrate in this scape.
quick update, but a bit pic heavy (sorry).

Things seem to be doing well. There is plenty of new growth.

The moss appears to be settling in at last!


The hairgrass is spreading well.


The needle leaf has also started to take off. This is some that came out of Supercoleys tank.


Killi's are my new fave, the colour is immense!


different angle


and FTS

Looking tidy, I'm no longer jealous of your needle fern :) I have some now lol, seriously looking good tho, that Star Grass in the back I spy???
Yes, it got the Heterantera zosterifolia from Tropica on the previous lot of pics, it's growing like wild fire. I will still send you some when it comes to trim it. You can never have enough!

Thanks for the comment Steve.
Lol cheers fella, I had some a few years back and it grew so quick I got sick of trimming it at the top so trimmed the roots end instead and it looked so much better. Plus keeping the top meant it flowered a few times, tiny little blue ones. Love the stuff. :good:

Very nice Ian, I never had much luck with H.zosterifolia, not sure why, it just kept melting! :blink: so it is now in a container outside and is thriving...sods law eh, must be something inhibiting its growth in my tank, everything else is fine.

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