Fish Herder
It would look really nice. Can yellow convicts only be kept as pairs because of their aggression when spawning or could you even keep those with some bigger dither fish?
I think if you got dither fish which stay at the top or are quite large, barbs maybe? Although I suspect the original fish listed might be okay? Worth asking around, remember yellow cons are quite small, max size 3-4". See if you can find some first though! I'll have some babies off you if you do get some and they breed!
I don't have better will power, just living at home being a student means I can keep a tank in my room but if I want a bigger one i'll have to move out or do one for my parentsThey fancy one of the big fluval tanks. It would be amazing to keep discus or something like that. I already want a shrimp tank like curiosity is doing...and a breeding tank like you're doing.. as well as my community
Theres too many interesting fish and shrimp!
I have my wife you have your parents lol...with a bigger tank I would go with Severums rather than Discus, they are much more hardier and don't need so much care and attention...to keep discus some people feed them 3 times a day and do daily water changes, as well as maintain a loooow pH...
Google "Rotkeil Severum", that's what I'll be adding two of to the grow out tank as soon as the fry are big enough to collect and bring home