! Silver Arowana Pictures ! Page 6 !

TBH guys you are going over kill on filtration with the fish you guys keep and fx5 is more than enough you wont need any other filtration. If it was me I would set your filters up the same as I have mine thats also if you can afford to if not there is a simpler way. Right I run 2 fx5`s on my tank both full of ceramic rings and the sponges that come with it. Then I run 2 eheim 2252 internals with 3 media baskets on each the bottom just with a eheim spinge then I fill the top 2 compartments with polyfilter that I change every 4 weeks although this is costly my water is crystal if this is to expensive for you just use polywool. thats all you will need if you want some pics of how it all looks setup just ask but I think I have prettymuch covered it.

Thanks Mark, yeah i've seen your tank its superb, i might just go with an fx5 then and chuck all the bioballs and biomax in the middle baskets of that and replace them in the 405 and ex1200, i can swap those to the other tank then. Are the internals much better for polishing the water than an external filled filled with polyfilter? I'm going to remove the jumbo filter like adam has to create some more space eventually and will rearrange everything to maximise space. I've got 4 growing bala sharks (4") and a cigar shark which is 11" and 5 clowns which are 1.5-2" atm you see.

Currently looking at turning a garage into a fish room as well, like yourself i love big fish. :good:
haha me 2!! i would love a fish house! lol.

Good idea mark - i will probably just keep the FX5. will a fluval 4+ be ok to polish the water if i just filled that with floss?

Yep internals are excellent for polishing the water but I use polyfilter which I can get at £6.20 a sheet I use 4 sheets every 4 weeks so is costly but i love crystal water. The eheim internals are excellent not the aqua ball or the other one look for the 2252`s.
mark , where do you get your poly filter coz ive looked round but that seems quite cheap compared to some companies prices. Oh and what is the difference between poly filter and poly wool? Cheers
Polywool is just that its wool that takes fine particles out of the water. Polyfilter is and I quote

The Polyfilter is a unique invention for chemically filtering and purifying both fresh and salt water aquaria.Polyfilter is a formulation of a special patented material bonded to a synthetic matrix, which will adsord and absorb contaminants and other toxic material which are found in nature aor which are added to fresh and salt water aquaria
Outstanding features: Benefits:

* Manufactured specifically for aquarium use * Totally non-toxic and uniform in performance

* Easily cut to any size and shape * Fits any type and size of filter
* Changes colour as it adsorbs chemicals *Clearly demonstrates when it needs to be replaced
* Totally dependable ,even variable water parameteres will not affect polyfilters * Will not release impurities back into aquarium water

*Guaranteed to remove copper based medications from salt water * After just 72 hours use an aquarium can be stocked with inverterbrates
Polyfilter removes:
Ammonia/Ammonium * Nitrite * Nitrate* Copper*Formalin*Chelated Copper * Phosphate * Antibiotics * Amino-Acids * Dyes * Proteins * Toxic Metals* Phenols * Insecticides (including Pyrethrum)

edit and it also keeps your water bloody clear. The poly filter in there is 2 weeks old and i took the picture 1ft away from the glass and thats 8ft of water in front of me pretty clear hey.
wow thats quite impresive! Nice tank btw , would ove a tank that big , but for now ill have to stick with my 5ft tank.

Where abouts do you get the poly filter?? Cheers

wow thats quite impresive! Nice tank btw , would ove a tank that big , but for now ill have to stick with my 5ft tank.

Where abouts do you get the poly filter?? Cheers

Another question I would like to add to that one: Do you buy it in bulk from a certain place? It's definitely not cheap.
Great looking tank! Love the size - very jealous!!

Bet the fish love having the extra space! - especially your plec! :good:
Great looking tank! Love the size - very jealous!!

Bet the fish love having the extra space! - especially your plec! :good:

Thanks Very much , yep the fish love it especially the plec! Thanks for the cooment

Unfortunaly the flow on the FX5 has dropped siginificantly since installation , i am going to strip the filter down and give it all a good clean

i know , i was very shocked to see the polish pad at the bottom BLACK! lol. Anyways i removed it and therew a load of bio media in the bottom. Flows back to normal now. Shouldn't have to touch it for about 6 months now :hyper:

Adam have you thought about fitting the intake for the FX5 into the emtpy space in the juwel filter to hide it?

IRC in the rear fight hand corner of the juwel filter there is enough room to feed the pipe down if you take the intake strainer off (which you won't need because the juwel filter has a grid). Directly opposite the heater. this is what i did before i removed my juwel filter entirely

Doing this also has the added advantage of making all the water flow to one point - so you should pick up more dirt.

It will also remove the strainer from the tank... which does draw the eye a bit!
Adam have you thought about fitting the intake for the FX5 into the emtpy space in the juwel filter to hide it?

IRC in the rear fight hand corner of the juwel filter there is enough room to feed the pipe down if you take the intake strainer off (which you won't need because the juwel filter has a grid). Directly opposite the heater. this is what i did before i removed my juwel filter entirely

Doing this also has the added advantage of making all the water flow to one point - so you should pick up more dirt.

It will also remove the strainer from the tank... which does draw the eye a bit!

EDIT>>> just read you took it out,

Haha , yes took it out , personaly i think the juwel internal was more of an eyesaw. Anyways im going to disquise the stainer next time i do mantenance.

Thanks for the suggestions


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