During a random Google search I happened upon an art archive for a very talented artist I know of, Megan Giles, and guess what I found...
A "Betta Babe"
Ok, so I got inspired to do a silly sketch of my own. Maybe mine isn't as cute as Megan's, but it's more accurate, and that has to count for something.... right?!
She would wink if she had eyelids. Oh, and that's a food pellet she's holding
I felt very INSPIRED by this thread, so I decided to create something. Some beautiful, realistic, and yet pure fantasy... Where you look at it, and think "Wow... I can really see this, something like this could exist"... So after some careful planning, and a lot of hard work... I finally came up with something I truly think is what a Betta and a Human as one would be like... I'm sure you'll look at it, and just think "Wow... That is truly what it would be, if they became one..."
Keddy Your's reminds me of the German fish on American Dad. They keep him in a tiny bowl..
"If you need me, I'll be in my crapper...*sigh*...I'm always in my crapper"
Sorry but the bettas with arms freak me out But they are awesome.
Can we create a whole new thread for members artworks of fish please?
I love this thread.
I agree with those before me........... those fish are H.O.T.!!! That Meg is talented!
Keddy - yours is my fave so far!
Wuv - I love the crapper quote