

Fish Crazy
Aug 1, 2003
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West Virginia
You already know this story. Walked into Wal Mart, wandered past the bettas stuffed into those little cups... wandered out with one. :p
He's whitish, with a lot of greens and a little red in him. His fins are a bit short, but I think with some proper TLC they'll grow quite nicely.
And on Monday morning - all the ones that didn't get bought will be dead in their cups.

Honestly - there are days I wish the local animal cruelty folks would visit Wal-Mart DAILY - till they clean up that part of their act.
graemesmith said:
And on Monday morning - all the ones that didn't get bought will be dead in their cups.

Honestly - there are days I wish the local animal cruelty folks would visit Wal-Mart DAILY - till they clean up that part of their act.
I feel your anger... :angry: It's sad really. :-(
What? Is there something I am not aware of here.... I mean I know Wal Mart's fish care is terrible, but...... :eek:
well all walmarts aren't like this but fish is mostly just a side thing to everything else.
i think enough people have complained at my Wal-mart because in all my life i have only once seen bettas in a cup there.....they r usually in the tanks.......but sometimes with fin nipping fish :crazy:
good job saving the bettas......i wanted to save some today but my mom would flip out :-(
My walmart used to be pretty good about keeping up with the fish care. I almost NEVER saw dead fish in their tanks. But in the last month, I have seen more dead fish in one tank at walmart than I have in all of the tanks combined at all the pet stores that I have been to in the same time.

I have also seen about five or more of the dead fish laying on the bottom, getting eaten by the other fish. That tells me that it had been there for quite a while. Expecially since they were all more than half eaten when I saw them.

I went in to walmart one day, the day I saw the 5+ dead fish getting eaten, and I was looking at the angel fish. I thought they were really pretty and thought about getting one. But since there were so many dead fish in the tanks, and several of the tanks they fish had ich, I decided to wait on getting an angel. Well, the next day, I went in and looked at the fish, the ones that had been getting eaten the day before were still there, and one of the angels was now dead, and another kind of fish in the same tank was dead. The people from that department were standing in front of the tanks talking about what kinda they were going to order. I told my mom they should worry about the ones that they have before they order more.

Oh and the ones that were getting eaten were still laying on the bottom of the tanks.
thats true our walmart blows here too... I don't think that I have ever been there and looked at the oscars and to tell you the truth I don't think that I can remember seeing one that didn't have ich. and the male guppies are kept seperate from the females, so instead they keep the males with ghost shrimp and to tell you the truth I have actually sat there and watched one shrimp kill a guppy and then proceed to eat it. in fact I gave up on getting fish from wal mart if I get fish I drive the 50 miles to get the fish that I want, or I order them online
I have gotten all but one of my fish from Wal-Mart. But I will never again buy a fish from there. At least, not until they learn how to take care of them.

I think I bought like, 12 or more fish from Wal-Mart, only three of which are still living, and only two never got ich (knock on wood...they are Sunshine and Punk). And I got three African dwarf frogs, only two have survived. The one that died, died within a week of me getting him. :-(

I can't take the heart break of losing anymore fish so soon after I got them. :-(
Congrats on the new Betta, i now have 5 and love them all way too much. I wont even talk about my walmart, the fish people now leave when i get there, and management now knows me by sight. LOL Enjoy your new betta and i am sure with alot of tlc and clean water, he will be very hansome. Good luck and I am thrilled to know that another betta has a great home. Sandy
They need to train and hire fish specialists who only work with the fsh.I got fish from walmart one died a day later and four a week later.One had fry and they all died. :angry:
Our wal mart has a set of shelves of bettas in the little cups. I'm not complaining about the little cups, I mean, you have to separate them.. theyre not leaving them in there forever. Then also theres about one betta hanging in a plastic thing in each of their other tanks. The thing is, their tanks, like all other Wal Marts, are dirty, filled with dead and suffering fish. I thought you meant that, on Monday morning they destroyed the unsold stock in order to make room for more. I was a bit horrified.
Yes, no gravel or anything, rotten food in the bottom... Unfortunately I've found with most bettas you have to feed them piece at at time, and they just pour it on in. :crazy:

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