eh, when i get a toothache, i'll just have someone stomp on me, should take care of it toot-sweet.

i dont think you have the right to judge that.wolfie33 said:it has been established that i'm more right than wrong.
Now you've lost mewolfie33 said:I dont understand why that is but thanks for agreeing
thats like me saying wolfie thanks for acting like an adult throughout the whole thread.wolfie33 said:thanks for agreeing
Does it really matter? I have no use for these threads, my fish don't require euthanization.wolfie33 said:whats your method then IMPUR
hmm.....wolfie33 said:DO NOT design any liquid mixture that you assume will kill the fish.
MOST GET NITRO. i wount mind buying nitro if it dont hurtjeffrey said:hmm.....wolfie33 said:DO NOT design any liquid mixture that you assume will kill the fish.
there has only been one fish that I had to kill, it was fin nipped to the point it couldnt swim, and would jsut end up stuck on the filter.
anyways, I used a substance called liquid nitrogen, jsut dropped him in.
But not many people have access to this.
for something that small its instanly frozen all the way through,jacblades said:liquid notrogen? i always though that stuff hurt like hell!