Sick killing method, STOP!

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So can you suggest a way
If we all wanna stick as close to nature as possible shall we leave them to die in the tank or shall we just go all the way and not keep them in a tank and just let them live in the wild?

i'm improvising a technique that is a lot more nature of the beast type thing than using clove oil!
I feel the best way is get the sharpest knife you have and cut all the way through just behind the gill.
it isn't a nice subject interested
but that tragic moment arrives at all us fishkeepers feet.
I think in conclusion to my original argument.
it has been established that i'm more right than wrong.

Thanks to all participants on this thread who reading between the lines all agree with me;-)
I couldn't kill a fish at all someone else would have to do it,I hate even killing spiders.

Thats 3 you have done wolf whats next??

wolfie33 said:
I think in conclusion to my original argument.
it has been established that i'm more right than wrong.

Thanks to all participants on this thread who reading between the lines all agree with me;-)
I think tht you are a F@$%&£" W@?&$%.
P@&% off and annoy another forum. :angry:

For the record I DONOT AGREE WITH YOU!
At least that won't be as controversial :thumbs:

No whips used please :)
thats right
it is only my opinion
if someone were to exercise the way i decribed on me if i were terminaly ill,it would be a preference over being dunked in clove oil(unless i was dying of toothache)
no, clove oil
thats is exactly what they suggested

well they'll be sorry if ever they do get toothache! And there aint any left
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