Show Off Your Tank!

Thanks, Ruskull! I found tigers are pretty darn easy when you have enough of them. And I figure 14 is enough.

I could post a photo of my 20g but you'll never see all the cory! And a side note ... I'll be doing some rearranging of all the tanks soon.

I assume that pic in your signature is the tank though right?
Yes, that's a corner of it right after I introduced my filigree cory. They're the least shy of all of them.
My Trilineatus Corys are very active & I see them all the time. I set my decorations & plants toward the center of the tank to give maximum running space on the bottom around the edges with the sand. They can hide if they really want to but it's easier to keep count :lol:
I have a big piece of driftwood set horizontally in my tank so they can all take cover if they want to. It's hilarious sometimes to see them all lined up under there like they're in a parade!
:drool: I want!!! I love tigers but they're a bit aggressive for my type of setups :(

This Old Spouse said:
Just a quick shot of my 29g tiger tank. Right before their nightly snack, so a little hard to get a decent shot.

Nice tanks! I like the clean look of yours Man O Fish, and that piece of wood is awesome Big Tuna. I also like the Mopani in Gladders1980's tank.

Thanks the Mopani was very cheap from a well known store as well, though I did want one big piece but they were all too big for my tank so went for 3 smaller pieces instead.
Its pretty This Old Spouse! I want a tiger barb dedicated tank at some point. DO you keep anything with them?
Thanks for the comments everyone. Its been a pretty incredible past couple of days. I was so anxious to show you all my progress, and that will be my final update on my 125 G freshwater tank. All my freshwater stuff is gone, and I am currently going through a salty cycle! :D I guess I am no longer welcome around these parts :D

I am intending on firing up a 16G freshwater tank for my wife for her to play around on. So maybe I will be able to show off her work as she progresses!

Thanks everyone for all the help during my freshwater journey! Cheers
That tanks down already? Shame it was a beauty!
That's very nice to hear, MoF. Thanks. For some reason I never felt pleased with it. High expectations perhaps? I was constantly battling pH issues as the pH in my town is incredibly high. I felt changes were needed. I don't know what it was. I just never could please myself with it.... Anyways, it was pretty wild the last few days. I was going to give a bunch of my fish away to my niece, and I was going to start up a Malawi tank. At the same time my 29G Biocube was supposed to arrive and I was going to do a salt system with it. I ended up getting cold feet about the cichlids (as my tank would have had to go through some major changes for them anyhow) and my wife and I decided that the cost to get a 29G Salty going may as well go towards converting my 125. I worked 24hrs straight on my tank and it is now up and running. I'm pretty excited, and as I said, I plan on getting our old 16G tank going.
Incredible tanks!!! Awesome how well every single one of them are done. Impressive.

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