Show Off Your Tank!

Better pic of my tank. I really hate my camera

That picture is loads better.

A black background migh be nice, but it works without.
My trigon 190 Malawi setup: Got approximately 13 yellow Lab fry and 8 currently unidentified fry that I rescued from my filter last week in the breeding net up top. Not sure how many tankmates all together as they breed like crazy but without the fry in the region of 25-30.


A smaller planted tank I had set up a few years ago which housed cardinal tetras, various shrimp and a few ottos. The tank was 2nd hand a leaked quite badly from the filter up top so had to get rid :-(


I have the second tank, but it has blue instead of silver. Did it leak from a break or a defect? :crazy: hoping it's not a common thing with the model.
I got a decent camera for once so here is my aquarium. Algae issues included...

New tank, currently cycling. Anyone know what the plants are too, got them from a pets at home and they were just labelled as 'assorted tropical plants'
Not a spider plant, but a dracaena. But Tizer is correct ... non-aquatic and need to be in a pot on your windowsill (just like mine!).
Really? Thanks there, how can they get away with stocking them as aquatic plants?

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