Show Off Your Tank!

Only a little 2ft, trying to sort a 4ft out.

Cheers =D

Very nice tank you have there......I like the way it's built into the wall.

Just set up this 15g today for my unusual cory and I might put in a shoal of a mid-level fish. Opinions so far, please?


Also a nice tank setup. Sometimes less is more, especially when you plan on Corys that appreciate open ground to play in.

Thanks. I was really hopeful about this one, but late last night it sprung a leak and I had to empty it. Pttthh.
You'd think I could, but I just redid all the silicone on it because it had sprung a leak last year and I retired it. Not sure what to do now.
snap tank in the wall looking good
Its quite cool, got a fibreboard front to hide all my 'Stuff':


Just waiting so I can 'swap' the 4ft with the 2ft and that will be the sump in the middle underneath, got a 800LPH pond pump in the post:

Cheers for the comments :good:
My trigon 190 Malawi setup: Got approximately 13 yellow Lab fry and 8 currently unidentified fry that I rescued from my filter last week in the breeding net up top. Not sure how many tankmates all together as they breed like crazy but without the fry in the region of 25-30.


A smaller planted tank I had set up a few years ago which housed cardinal tetras, various shrimp and a few ottos. The tank was 2nd hand a leaked quite badly from the filter up top so had to get rid :-(

yeah i like the little tank.. whats the plant (carpet) on the bottom?
Nice and clean! I'd remove those two damaged leaves on the sword though. :good: Much improved
FishFanatic04 said:
Nice and clean! I'd remove those two damaged leaves on the sword though. :good: Much improved

Thanks. Very much a work in progress. It's fine for the time being but want change the whole thing up.

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