Show Off Your Tank!

Yeah I've got lots to do on my tanks as well
Here is a pic of the Betta that's in the 16 gal.
Well it's time to get fish tomorrow so today it was planting,adding bogwood and 98% water change time.


It needs to clear up a bit as obviously it was a large change and there are in places a few bits of plant still floating about. I took out about 25l with the gravel cleaner which got most of the loose stuff off the sand.

The heater on the left will not be in the tank full term. It's only because I did such a large change and the water is cold. I've tried using the kettle but the tank just got filled with limescale chunks!

Very nice color contrast DBT !!! Great piece of wood too! Mopani no doubt?

Ta :) I have absolutely no idea what it is, however it sunk like a rock in the bath even when it was bone dry. The smaller price in there wanted to float even when 98% was soaked for a week. I say 98% because one little bit stuck out the top of my bucket lol.
Some fab tanks here.
Would like to see this type of thread in the salty section.
Munchbox- Awesome first attempt.

Tribalbrit- I was seriously considering getting an edge after seeing yours :)) Have seen your other tank. You have a great eye they are lovely!

I thought my post looked a bit confusing.
No worries.
I'm quite pleased with the edge, access is a bit tricky and the bog wood was a right pain to get in there but on the whole I like it. Plus can't have shrimp in the other one lol.

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