Show Off Your Tank!

This is my substrate that I got from petsmart, barely needed any washing and looks great, only $18 a bag and one bag covers about 20 gallons, so I bought 3 bags and there I was with a beautiful substrate!

Thanks for that, I was worried before clicking on the link that it was going to be one of the shops own brand (since you are in the US) but being Caribsea means I can get it in the UK too. Thanks again.

Here's the start of mine but the sealant on the backing WONT DRY!!!! :angry: :angry:

Say's 24hours and its been on there longer than that!

Nice background, will have to look at the Aqua One types available!
Thank you it was only £10.75 or something like that from my local fish store :D
Where did you all buy your 3D backgrounds? Im thinking about getting one because the one I have now feels like the tank just "stops" at the back. ;)

I've just found who has some beautiful ones. They are pricey (about £140 for a 4' tank) but they look great. Might have to save some pennies! There are also some of theirs on Ebay.

You've got that lovely tree root like thing in yours (from your sig) already though so they might just make it look too busy.
here is my malawi 385l tank built into the wall.still not 100% happy with it and please excuse the christmas tinsel. here is a peak
That is gorgeous!!! Everyone's tanks are so inspiring and beautiful. I've learned so much from just looking at the pictures. Here's my 46g {first aquarium ever}

After seeing everyone's photos, I will be changing this tank after I finish my planted 75g in the next few weeks. I got too symmetrical,and I didn't realize how silly bubbles are and I am going to replace the air pump with a water pump {good thing I kept the receipt} And yes those are fake plants {except for the 2 little anubis) but I plan to take clippings from my 75g once its established and transform this tank into a planted beauty.

I hope its not too awful though for my first attempt...My poor fishes need a nice home! The Bad LFS guy let my bring home the platys to cycle with before I knew better and I CAN'T return them since the big Pregnant red wag has a torn fin and made us love her. She was disguised as a male we figured it out quickly since her belly grew and we looked closer....definitely a female. :)
Sorry for the's the tank..picture it without bubbles and with lots of plants haha
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here is my malawi 385l tank built into the wall.still not 100% happy with it and please excuse the christmas tinsel. here is a peak

looking good james, some big haps/peacocks there, they look nice. :good:
I wasn't going to do this yet as it's still a work in progress but here's my new Juwel Rekord 800

Looks nice..I love the dark subtrate. What did you use? IS that a cucumber or zucchini? I've been wanting to start giving my fishes some veggies. How often do you do that?
Looks nice..I love the dark subtrate. What did you use? IS that a cucumber or zucchini? I've been wanting to start giving my fishes some veggies. How often do you do that?

It's a mix if finely ground gravel and a larger soft pebble to give it a bit more texture - both are matt black.

And it's a piece of courgette (not sure if it's called that though in the states) My Oto's have lost all their algae with this tank being brand new and I'm trying to keep them alive with vegetables. At present there's some mushed up peas in there and some spinach and a brocolli stalk ... none of which they are taking to. I think there may be 2 deaths by morning :( plus I'm also going to have to clean up the mess of mushy uneaten veg first thing!
I'll put mine up, I've finally got sand and some good plants in it, not all that great looking and have had some bad comments lately

I remember those nasty posters that made fun of your tank with the big flower in the middle.

This tank is a great start at redemption!

The only problem is I also was suckered into adding those lovely little "White Ribbon" & "Gold Ribbon" plants also, which are actually semi-aquatic meaning the tops of them should be out of the water or they rot & eventually die. I've had about $60 worth of these so called semi-aquatic plants die on me including both of those as well as "Peacock Fern" & "Umbrella Plants" which are also not to be fully submersed.

You have a very nice Anubias plant there too but it's supposed to have it's rhizome exposed in the water or it will also die. I also lost (3) of those plants because the roots died. You should attach themn to driftwood with black or brown thread, fishing line or Super Glue according to another poster here.

The substrate looks great & as others have said, you should add a background of some kind to really bring it all together. Since your tank has good height, maybe you should try adding some Water Wisteria which doesn't require much light and it grows like a weed to fill the tank up quickly.
Oh, and I'm a big fan of the Lemon Bacopa (Bacopa Caroliniana) that you have in the background. I put some in 2 of my tanks towrds the front since it's so short. If it grows too big I can always relocate it.
Ty Ruskull, that really means a lot to me, the ribbons haven't shown any sign of rotting yet, I think it may be bc I raised the filter a bit to get a waterfall effect which in turn is oxygenating the water, I've had them for over 2 weeks now. The anubias isn't fully into the ground, I took the roots and buried them only, It's actually gotten greener since I changed the substrate. the only plant that isn't doing good is my ozelot plant, it seems to be losing a lot of leaves lately, I'm guessing from being moved around? I've added this stuff called "Flourish" by Seachem and it seems to be helping a little bit. Also my Ph is a little high and I can't seem to get it down, it's 7.8. I thought the gravel had raised my Ph so I changed to sand and it hasn't come down at all....I've been waiting for my LFS to get some kind of grass in so I can put it in the back and let it grow up the back, I found a piece if driftwood in my yard, I have a river behind my house, need to soak it and scrub it, I would like to find one that is a little longer to go across the tank, what kinds of wood are ok to put in my tank?
Honest to goodness, we're not trying to needlessly berate you or anything, but those plants will eventually rot. They are. not. aquarium. plants. They will rot eventually if you don't take them out. I bought some too! And now they're in a pot on my windowsill.

You can put just about any driftwood in your tank as long as it's bark-free and you've cleaned it well. Best not to use pine, because the sap tends to foul the water. But I think even pine is okay if it's been dead long enough. That addition will really make your tank look great!

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