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Ooh don't go there...he looks a fine figure of a hoplo to me!
It's just what I've been reading online about their 6-8 years lifespan that scared me. He is quite active and very playful during feeding time and when known people are near his tank, so I guess he still has a few more years to live.

On the other hand, some people from the market told my dad when he first bought a pair of hoplos that they can live as much as 27 years. o_O I have found no evidence of this online though.

I'm sure he will...he sounds a right character!! May yours be the first 27 year old in a tank :nod: He is obviously well looked after! :good:
Ooh don't go there...he looks a fine figure of a hoplo to me!
It's just what I've been reading online about their 6-8 years lifespan that scared me. He is quite active and very playful during feeding time and when known people are near his tank, so I guess he still has a few more years to live.

On the other hand, some people from the market told my dad when he first bought a pair of hoplos that they can live as much as 27 years. o_O I have found no evidence of this online though.

I'm sure he will...he sounds a right character!! May yours be the first 27 year old in a tank :nod: He is obviously well looked after! :good:
That would be awesome, maybe he will be living in a huge tank by then too. He's my childhood pet, having him along for yet another decade would be epic.
I know hes not a fish but.... Heres sheldon!!!! :hyper:


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Finally got a great picture of one of my Honey Gouramis!

It still doesn't do their coloring justice as the red on the bottom looks different depending on the lighting and the goldish orange has a shimmer as they move.

Please help with a name if you can think of a good one:


Not as good of a picture but you can see the red better here:

Finally got a great picture of one of my Honey Gouramis!

It still doesn't do their coloring justice as the red on the bottom looks different depending on the lighting and the goldish orange has a shimmer as they move.

Please help with a name if you can think of a good one:

Looks shiny!
I'd name him Jewel since he seems to be made of gold. But to name a fish I usually spend time watching their personality, so I can't be too creative in this case.
One of Sailfin Zach's Glass Cats chilling out with a Neon & the Honey G behind him:

Thanks Fishblast, I'll ask Zach what he thinks of Jewel as a name for him. To me it sounds more like a girl's name.

Hey, nice snails too! Speaking of snails, how do you tell if one is dead? Just tonight I noticed my larger Mystery Snail hasn't moved for at least an hour or two and overall his color is more gold and much less yellow than it used to be. I've noticed the color change over time & just assumed it was due to the low lighting of that particular tank.
Pick it up and smell it. You'll know if it's dead :sick:
Just lost a mystery was hanging out of the shell a little....when i poked it it didn't move a muscle which is the first sign...they should close up...then smell it
Just lost a mystery was hanging out of the shell a little....when i poked it it didn't move a muscle which is the first sign...they should close up...then smell it

I looked this morning & he dug a little hole for himself in the sand...........he's def. still alive but is something wrong?
Just lost a mystery was hanging out of the shell a little....when i poked it it didn't move a muscle which is the first sign...they should close up...then smell it

I looked this morning & he dug a little hole for himself in the sand...........he's def. still alive but is something wrong?
Apple snails tend to hide when either their belly is full or some fish is harassing them.
Mine hide in their shells during 6-8 pm and then come out till 1 AM, then get back into their shells till 8 AM when it's feeding time (though they never eat what my fishes eat, can't get the flakes to them and they don't like salad...).
And even when they float, they're still alive, seems like one of mine (Lorenzo) likes to sleep that way. He also can slide upside down on the surface of the water and get to the bad parts of the floating plants.

EDIT: Now that you've mentioned it, oddly my apple snail Kadenza has also dug a hole in the sand and is moving left to right in it, as if dancing. I wonder why they do this. Is it to dig up food?
Snails are out again and roaming the tank, but it seems like Lorenzo goofed again. My favorite sprout is GONE! :( I've been watching that thing grow for almost a week now, and he just chops it off and eats it. -.-

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