Should I Bother


Feb 23, 2006
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Harlow, Essex
After lots of discussions with my wife about my current needs for a tank I have to accept I have lost. I can not have a 72x30x24 as I will stick out to far into our dining room. What I can have is a 72x24x24 now would it be possible to keep and aro in this???? Also are rays completely out of the question???
I'd get a teacup, as they grow to around 12 inches. 72 inches is plenty long and 2 feet wide should be enough. Just I wouldn't put too many ornaments so that the ray has some running room so to speak.
Potamotrygon scobina are the only rays for the tank size, teacup rays are too big.
i see its ok for you to ask questions about other fish to keep why cant i?
iam upgrading to a 7ft/2ft/2ft tank end of year<from my friend> so why is it bad?dont understand iam asking and reseaching 1st about the ornate birchir<havent got it.....
get an asian green aro they stay fairly small at 24inch max

the black aros grow to 30inch (well mine did in 7yrs ) the thing with SA aros silvers and black is they have smaller scales than asian aros which helps them to bend more so they can turn around in a much smaller space

teacup is just a name for unknow ray it chould be anything but normaly retic

with a retic you should be ok in your tank for about 2yrs as they grow slower than other rays

i do have a pic of the 7yr old black aro in a 6x2x2 it does look big but it was happy then one day he wanted to watch TV and jumped out

Their you go sorry for the bad pic but i had to scan an old pic before the digital age

Ok well I have found a place with an asian green and a pair of Potamotrygon scobina now here is my question they are all juvies at the moment could someone give me a timescale of how long they could live in my 5x2x2 (not with the current stock) before I need to move them into the 6x2x2 as most people on here are aware that if I say I will upgrade I will upgrade I just want to know how much shopping time I will have to get my 6x2x2 to get a good deal???

Also what out of this list could I keep in the 6x2x2 with them???
5 silver dollars
senegal birchir
palmas birchir
fire eel
sorubim lima
ornate pim
royal plec

Or any other suitable tank mates???
are you sure you have found a pair of scobina?i wouldnt trust what the lfs has them marked up as
depending on how big the fish are you might have a year or so
i would over filter it and keep all the fish except the plec and dollars but dont listen to me im a serial overstocker :rolleyes:
Ok well ill check to make sure there scobina is there any other species of ray that would work???? What do you have in at work in the way of aros and rays cane???
you could keep histrix for a long time in a 6x2x2 too
we have a small pair of histrix rays and silver arowanas in :good:

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