Setting Up The 29g. Totally Psyched I Have Saltwater In My Living Room

I won't be getting anything to put the tank for awhile...except for 1 thing and I have to wait for it to come in stock.

This is what I'm waiting on:

The order will go through premiumaquatics (PA).
The rock will be sent directly to SD after PA receives it at customs.

I have been corresponding with Eric Borneman for over a week now to get guidance on hopefully receiving some high quality live rock. And though there are no guarantees in this hobby I think I am finally feeling pretty good about placing the order.

PA will call me for order details when they have fresh rock hitting LA customs.

This rock will be fresh out of the ocean with no interaction in between the ocean and me.
The rock should come in with hitchhikers and hopefully tons of life

A guy in my lrc is facilitating the order. So far it's just him and I buying some. He's going to cure it for me to. He'll do it all together. I told him I'd help if I could. I have a large container of black diamond carbon that I'm going to give him. I'll put up pictures when I can if/when it comes in and gets sent to us.

I have put updated pics of the dried off fluffy chick in the Household Pets section.
Freaky. I've noticed tiny clearish to white "bugs" running around my lr. Is that good or bad. They are probably 1/16th of an inch or a bit smaller. Makes me nervous b/c I don't know what they are for sure. I probably didn't notice them before b/c my rock was white and is now green, tiny purple, and grey so I can spot them easier.
that or amphipods. hopefully nothing that eats corals. I don't have any corals yet, but I will eventually.

See the dots on the glass?


Melev and a guy in my lrc thought mysid shrimp. Some other say isopods and copepods.

I have some more weird critters now:

And photos and really good video of pluto.






You can see pluto moving rock and even flicking them backwards out of the burrow. I'm really please with this video.

And a pic of Mickey and Minnie together. The one in the back is so scared of everything yet. Right after I took the shot it darted back in the burrow.

Crap...maybe the little gooey tanish bug is a flatworm :(

Should I do flatworm eXit or just start removing them by hand?

Hey thanks mixmaster jay.

I hope I can make it better and better with time. I'll sure try.

My brother got out of the hospital this past Saturday. Was in for 29 days. He's walking with a walker all the time (instead of having a wheel chair) and is staying w/our grandparents out of town for a little while. Gives us a break, I guess. I still run over to check his house and pick up his mail.
Anyone know what this may be?




And these:



And some tank shots to let you know how the rock is changing.

Here's is a hangy upside down astraea. I can't believe they can do this...maybe that's why I've found a few on the sand that needed to be


And a FTS


Some grey idea what this is. It's been there for awhile and i do have a few other spots of it.


Some random pics of coralline and green junk




Pics w/flash on. You can see the coralline better with the flash..I think.




Thanks. When I take a fts you can't see much growing on the lr, but when I take close shots you can really see stuff on it. Those little pods running all over the place are really crazy :lol:

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