Setting Up The 29g. Totally Psyched I Have Saltwater In My Living Room


Corals now B-)









A clownball :lol:
no flash

with flash



Then some freshwater discus




And they have a WILD CAT!~




And a Marmoset



I would've taken more pictures of more salty fish, but we had my sisters lil baby with us. He was getting hungry so we didn't have much time.
Oh that wild cat is gorgeous, what sort of a wild cat is it - looks similar to the asian wild cats that bengals were bred from

Seffie x

Yea guys that store is AWESOME!! I want it here!!! lol

The cat is a serval

I intend to have a regal angel when I get the big tank set up. I'm selling the 120g that I was going to do and selling the 75 that was going to be on top of the 29g. I'm putting a 90g on the top instead. That will be FOWLR and I intend to have a regal angel, snowflake ee, and a butterfly fish along with some cool and hopefully rare wrasses. It will take a long time to get it set up and I want to do more with the little tank first. The little tank will be my reef tank and I intend to spend extra $$$ on the 90g to have some awesome looking rock right away to help make up for the lacking of corals.

Anyways, should be getting my clowns at the end of this month, I hope. I'm awaiting confirmation and haven't received it yet :unsure:
YAY!! I finally got some pics of the shrimp!!! :yahoo: He's small and my camera is so old so it's hard to get pictures. Couple that with the fact that he only comes out for a few seconds at a time :rolleyes: He moves rock/sand out of the burrow and then goes back in. Really quick procedure most of the time. It's really hard to get pics. He is really neat when he comes out, though.




I also have a video of him. I'm not sure how good it is. I'm in the process of uploading it to photobucket where I'll hopefully be able to see a GOOD video of him and will be able to edit out the boring time spent waiting for him to come out.
that store looks intense!!! lol

your tank has come along nicely i love the layout of the coral :good:

what else do you plan on stocking it with?

(sorry if you mentioned it throughout this thread, lol its kinda long i like the pics :lol: )
what else do you plan on stocking it with?

I intend to buy 2 picasso perculas and things are still up in the air after that. I'd still like a yellow assessor also. We'll see.

Looking at getting the awesome percs after my June vacation.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Thanks for the nice comments everyone :)

And eventually corals too. When I get to that point. right now the only corals I have are skeletons.
Wow, never heard of those before :good: that's one of the things I love about this forum, people showing you new things :nod:

Seffie x

A lot of the reefy people in my lrc hadn't heard of the picasso percs either. They aren't cheap either :crazy:

They have different grades with snowcassos having the most white.
They sell for $200 a fish.

Snowcassos have an incredible amount of white. With the majority of their body being covered with white they are amazing fish and very rare. There are very few of these per hatch.

Grade A -$100 a fish

A's have additional white with one of the three stripes connecting on BOTH sides of the fish.

Grade B-$50 a fish
Grade B's have either no stripes connected OR only ONE side that has connected stripes; unlike A's that must have stripes connected on both sides.

I was thinking about grade B's, but I think I'm going to go for a pair of A's instead. When I get my other tank set up (someday) I'll get a pair of snowcasso's. The other tank will be higher off the ground and it will less likely that my 2 year old throws something in the tank :crazy:

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