its not chat that needs sortin, its the mods (no offence ment to any mods of course) they havnt got any set guidlines from what i can see, iv got 'away' with saying god an alot more... how can i put it.... 'cheeky' phrases in there with other mods (no i will not mention names as i dont want them in s**t)
they need to know that ppl from all over the world (if they didnt know) will come and use the chat room, there are many things that may be offencive, sayin 'blah blah watch ur mouth/launguage' or 'blah blah say that again u will be kicked' they need to give a reason why they find it offencive, they also need to understand what seems weird to say to them is normaly commonplace where the other person comes from... like i said in chat last night, if she finds god damn offencive.. id hate to see what she would be like where i work, im a factory girl born an bred, im not ashamed to cus like a man (my bf is a pansy compared to me lmao) id make a sailor blush!
fair enough i one it down to acceptible levels in chat rooms and forums, but i wont be told that what i said was offencive when i know for a fact its just to stop me sayin gods name in 'vain' B****& to that i say what i want to say (in moderation)
im not tryin to cause any trouble, i just dont understand why ppl cant accept that ppl will use different phrases... oh well rant over cause nothin will change