Not Sure If I Should Be Worried About Flashing/wound?

Also, a quick question about the glowlights. I am going to wait and see how they do after a water change tomorrow(probably around 25%). If they start to go as well like the neons...and if it is this columnaris, can I use salt to treat? I read in more than one article that it does not like salt and is one of the more effective methods. But I also know tetras are sensitive to salt. So, if I can use salt, how much should I use for a 20 gal? Thanks for the info!
Sorry for your loss. R.I.P.
Keep an eye on the glowlights and don't add any new fish for 6 weeks.  Just want to make sure everything OK.
Salt is one tablespoon to 5 gallons usually. If there all fine I don't think they need it but it is your choice.
But I would only half dose. They might act odd when you first add  the salt, If they don't settle down do a water change to dilute the salt down in the tank.
Thank you for the update.
Good luck with the glowlights.
I didn't plan on dosing it with salt unless I see something wrong with them. Thanks for the info on the dosage of it though. :) I finally did my water change yesterday, about 1/3rd of the water I think. And I think a couple of my glowlights had some breeding behavior(I googled it)! I couldn't believe it as I have a pH of 8.2 and I know tetras are technically soft water fish. Anyway, I was sitting in the floor looking up at them, and noticed something strange around the gill area on the underneath part? I'm not sure if it's normal or not. I couldn't get a picture but I did take this and you can kind of see it. It's just seems really red underneath on a few of them but I'm not sure if that's ok or not. They all are eating and all their fins are nice and out and looking good. I do have the white stuff still growing on my driftwood and diatom algae on my castle and a bit on my dragon and my glass now. I also tried shining a small flashlight at the fish so sometimes it's a bit shinier. I'm just worrying something is going to happen to these guys too. So far no sign of any patches. And mostly they are NOT breathing hard, though they seem to get excited when I go over there because they want food! Lol.
Tested water today
Am-0.25(stable and I have marineland ammonia neutralizing/carbon blend in filter media bag in the filter)
Nitrate-I think around 3ppm. Since this white stuff has appeared on the driftwood it seems to be staying down more where as when the tank first finished cycling it stayed between 10-20ppm. No live plants in aquarium either.
Thanks so much for all your help Wilder!
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Reminded me of when I kept glowlights.
They look fine to me but then again there moving about that much it hard to tell. But they look happy enough to me.
As long as there not flicking and rubbing, or rubbing there gills on objects in the tank,
Or excess mucas or slime on there gills, Or gills sticking out I wouldn't worry to much.
Your water stats are very good.
Thanks again Wilder :) I took that video with my phone, I wish it was more clear. Oh well. Thanks for all the great advice! I'll just keep an eye on these guys for a while and hope it was only the neons that had the issues. These guys are really growing on me. So funny to watch them when I go over to the tank and they are excited thinking I will give them food! Lol. I'll try to remember to post an update in a week or so(unless I have problems with them before that) to let you know how everything is going. Thanks so much again. :)
I got the glowlight to complement my Black Neon Tetra. I love them too. They also great little fish.
If you have any problems don't hesitate to post back.
Good Luck.
So far the glow lights are doing very well! :D Don't seem to be having any problems with them. I actually planned on getting some black neon tetras if Petsmart ever gets any in again. :p They look cool! But so far I'm still waiting to make sure these guys are perfectly fine. It's been just over a week since I put the last neon down and normally with them it was only taking 2 to 3 days for another to get sick. So I don't know what they had, but these guys don't seem to have it. Yay!!! :D
That's good news.
I would wait a while before getting anymore fish.
Thank you for the update.

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