*sighs* Well, I just put yet another neon down. It looked a bit listless last night, not quite as active. And this morning I noticed a patch on him and either the fin on the same side as the patch was clamped tight or was paralyzed or something. It could flap it but it wasn't spread out. And it was white(I don't know if that's because it was clamped or something?) I am treating with melafix. This fish was perfectly fine a few days ago. I don't understand why this is happening to one neon at a time within three days of the last?? Oh, and this time I helped the poor guy along and put him down when I noticed those first symptoms this morning. I don't think he would have made it with that fin and the heavy breathing. Could this be neon tetra disease? Why would it only affect one fish at a time within a few days of the last one dying? And why wouldn't it effect any of the glowlight tetras? I just don't understand this. So, now I only have one neon left. He seemed to like being with the glowlights but I guess I'll keep an eye on him for sure. I suppose if this one dies and the glowlights are fine for a while I'll try some more fish in the tank, though not sure if I want to try neons again.