September 11th...

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big mick

Fish Addict
Mar 29, 2005
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Irvine, Scotland
Here is an interesting trick I learned...I say "trick", its not so much 'a trick' its aparently the events of september 11th prophesised on a $20 Dollar Bill.

Here's how it works.

Take and ordinary $20 bill,


fold it across the middle...


then fold it in half again,


fold it into a pentagon shape like this,


Turn it over and what have we here?....the Twin Towers burning...


...scary eh?....but it doesnt stop there, on this side we see the word "America",


thats because it was an Americans Airline's fight that hit this tower.
And here we see the word United,


thats because it was a United Airlines flight that hit this tower.

Maybe its just coincidence but turn the pentagon over and what do we see?

...the Pentagon burning...


...did someone try to tell us something or has someone just got too much time on their hands.... decide.
The viewer sees whatever they want to in anything ;) Equally you could say that the fourth picture, turn it the other way, looks a bit like a space shuttle on fire... Prediction of the Columbia? Or just an overactive imagination?
I agree.

I like alot of the conspiracy theories connected with this but its a pretty cool coincidence and gets a good reaction around chucking out time in the pub!

It's interesting that you posted this. I had never seen this before, but it posed a theory to me. As one who was near the Pentagon and saw this, I always had some questions in my mind. A little part of me that just didn't quite believe this was the same as the Twin Towers.

Could be nothing, though. :dunno:
This is a very condenssed version of a much larger and more indepth video that circulated the web. It was the top video on google video / youtube etc. until they (higher powers that be) banned and pulled the whole thing. (the whole thing was approx 90 minutes long and William was actually the first on to post it here - but that thread no longer exists). It was certainly in interesting watch ( the original conspiracy video) but so many people said that was photoshopped / manipulated etc.
Who knows :)
There was a film called Loose Change on the internet, you can buy copies on e-bay, its the most interesting thing Ive ever watched and was pleased to hear they were making a movie of it so keep your eyes peeled for it because it can only be better than the one I saw and that was AMAZING!
Yep, that's the one :good: food for thought indeeeeeeed :shifty:
(Ps: - it's available free on google video)
yawn yawn, lol this old crap again. an acquiring mind and a sift through the REAL evidence, puts this piffl to bed. thought this sort of dross had gone. its boring and frankly an insult to those who died!
yawn yawn, lol this old crap again. an acquiring mind and a sift through the REAL evidence, puts this piffl to bed. thought this sort of dross had gone. its boring and frankly an insult to those who died!

Add my oppinion to that one!

The CIA, FBI, and every other governmental and military institution has some of the brightest minds available at their disposition, does anyone think they would try something this blatently obvious? It's all a hoax and that's for sure.

It is an insult to those who died that day, and no mater what you think about the state of current affairs concerning the fallout from that day, it is just lunacy to think that the government would do such a thing!

that was an intruiging video does anyone know where i can find the 90 minute one where it hasent been pulled. ? :0
its a load of rubbish, but there is a similar thing which is quite spooky, those who have MS word on their compluters will know of the windings font, well if you type in the numbers and letters of the plane that crashed into the twin towers, it comes up with symbols that are a picture of like 2 towers, with a skull and crossbone, and other linking things, ive seen it being done.

complete load of rubbish i know but just another one of them things.
I just got done watching that loose change video for an hour and a half and i dont think its a bunch of rubbish i havent for a while this is life people things are flawwed i dont get why every one looks at the
terrorists first.
I had the wingding email, that was kinda creepy, but I guess if you phrase anything in such a way as you can manipulate it, it will be manipulated.

I think there is something odd about the whole 911 thing, but odd things happen and it doesn't mean it's sinister. Dan just threw me a cigarette and it landed right between my fingers as I was typing! that's spooky but doesn't mean their is some secret plan afoot, sometimes odd things just happen, and you can make something out of it or just accept it was odd. Kwim?

I didn't explain that very well.
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