September 11th...

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I had the wingding email, that was kinda creepy, but I guess if you phrase anything in such a way as you can manipulate it, it will be manipulated.

I think there is something odd about the whole 911 thing, but odd things happen and it doesn't mean it's sinister. Dan just threw me a cigarette and it landed right between my fingers as I was typing! that's spooky but doesn't mean their is some secret plan afoot, sometimes odd things just happen, and you can make something out of it or just accept it was odd. Kwim?

I didn't explain that very well.
well i think you may be right. though through complicity rather than duplicity. as with "puke spit" Thatcher in the early eighty's with the Falklands. ( a war engineered to win the next election.) my guess that Bush thought he was on safe ground. ignoring the signs and warnings . it worked for "spit puke" Thatcher. but blew up in the face of Bush. lol perhaps he underestimated these Arabs!!! he wouldn't be the first xenophobe to make this mistake!
Yeah, not sure if that was at all what I meant, I don't think there was any implied conspiracy in my message and I'd like to immediately disassociate myself from a post which reads:

but blew up in the face of Bush. lol perhaps he underestimated these Arabs!!! he wouldn't be the first xenophobe to make this mistake!

I'm not comfortable with a "lol" being in a post linked to mine, I didn't find anything even remotely funny about 911 and with my husband and son being Americans, I feel I need to state my position before anyone starts thinking I am just another "Yank hating Brit" - of which the numbers are many, but do not include myself.
I think there is something odd about the whole 911 thing,

that clears that up!!!!!!
i made no mention of a conspiricy, indeed the first comments, can not in any way be read to suggest that i did! perhaps a dictionary or thesaurus may be of help! to suggest that you have any greater feelings for the happenings of 911. than myself, i find quite arrogant. i am sorry you took offence, however my post stands, and your objections to it are baseless, if it is read properly.
I'm not comfortable with a "lol" being in a post linked to mine, I didn't find anything even remotely funny about 911
Really? I found one thing amusing, that the terrorists chose to hit New York which had for years funded the IRA to bomb civilians with the intention of killing them in the United Kingdom. I felt it was very much a case of "what goes around comes around" and the city suddenly found out what it felt like when terrorists funded by foreign nations strike.
I'm not comfortable with a "lol" being in a post linked to mine, I didn't find anything even remotely funny about 911
Really? I found one thing amusing, that the terrorists chose to hit New York which had for years funded the IRA to bomb civilians with the intention of killing them in the United Kingdom. I felt it was very much a case of "what goes around comes around" and the city suddenly found out what it felt like when terrorists funded by foreign nations strike.

very true.

but what to me is really galling, is people seem to thing the American nation suffered more than, others who have gone through the same thing. or that we owe some sort of debt to these people. because of what happened. i have good friends who were murdered by American funded terrorism. both in ulster, mainland uk, and to a smaller extent south America.
whilst i really do feel for those who lost their lives, with the exception of the passengers who brought down their flight, who IMO were the only ones to do the right thing. and should be treated as the heroes they are, not just more names on a day when most people did nothing to help themselves never mind the rest of us. this is not to denigrate anybody who died, but those who faught back, should receive the recognition their selfless bravery deserves. instead we have to avoid their courage, for fear of upsetting the family's of those who did not show any! this is only my opinion, but i do feel it is valid!
Dont overlook anything.The U.S. goverment has done a lot mess up stuff and lied about it.I believe that we are lied to more than we are told the truth.enough said.
Dont overlook anything.The U.S. goverment has done a lot mess up stuff and lied about it.I believe that we are lied to more than we are told the truth.enough said.

oh yeh and mine too bullhead.
cant help feeling that if old oil lamp was to return to the Whitehouse, he would be very sad at what he found. he tried to destroy government by patronage, but sadly it has come back. no wonder his parrot showed so little respect for the people at his funeral.
This ones getting a bit juicy.....more interesting than my original post now!

lol, this is about non-fish pictures....honest......its not general chat at all! eheh :look:
oh yeh and mine too bullhead.
cant help feeling that if old oil lamp was to return to the Whitehouse, he would be very sad at what he found. he tried to destroy government by patronage, but sadly it has come back. no wonder his parrot showed so little respect for the people at his funeral.

I cant help but feel the level of coruption in our and evryother goverment in the world is way beyond what we can fathom.I dont think that 911 is out of the realm of the impossible as far as conspiracies go,although we will probably never ever know the full truth about anything the goverments do.
if the government were gonna blow up the twin towers the wouldn't have it printed on a $20 bill :blink:
I would have to put it this way.

Residents in a country know nothing. Any Country
Wow i didnt mean for it that short video to cause a big rucuss, and for those who are pissed, i do have much respect for the people and the families who lost loved ones on 911. But im looking at 911 from my point of view, not what the media or government has said happened. You really have to think about the whole situation tho, all of the jets guarding the east coast were scrambled to canada for a training mission that morning, the owner of the twin towers took out multi-billion dollar insurance policy on the WTC the day before, video clips havent been released. Something happened that we arent being told about. Im not saying that bush was behind it but theres just something fishy going on...
I just don't buy all the conspiracies! I've never heard from a source that I feel I can consider to be credible, any of the coincidences you have mentioned. If it were true don't you think CNN would be all over it even today? Plus Al Quaida takes total responsibility for the attack! I just think that some very desturbed or very bored people are behind the largest part of the conspiracy theories that are floating around!

I'm just glad that there hasn't been another attack here in the USA since then! I attribute that fact to the fact that our governments have essentially destroyed the ability for foreign terrorists to plot another attack on domestic soil!

I don't think that preeminantly striking Iraq was justifiable, I do think that much good has been done in the effort in Afghanistan. And I especially don't think that pulling all troops from Iraq now is going to make the world a safer place! It really gets to me that we have caused such a mess in Iraq, I won't ever feel good about supporting those who still think it was the right thing to do. However now that it has been done we need to make sure that it doesn't turn into a place where terrorism will breed and grow and I'm certain that if we leave Iraq in shambles as our current congressional majority would have us do, we will have a new threat to our lives as a result. In the end I just hate politicians, they are self righteous, ignorant, and tactless and bear (in my oppinion) the ultimate responsibility for the current state of affairs.

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