Seen a celebrity/famous person in a fish shop?

Candyco said:

I've seen my husband in my lfs on numerous occasions & he's a star in my eyes! :wub:

Kaz x-x-x-x-x
I used to work at Heathrow airport, so I've seen loads of famous people. Bruce Willis, Al Pacino, Prince Naseem Hamed, Chris Evans, and years ago, there was a fire in Terminal 2 and the whole building had to be evacuated including The Spice Girls who were in there at the time, only they were escorted out the back way by a few of us!!!
I've also been jogging with Jimmy Saville!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I also used to work for ADT, and have been to Jay Kay from Jamiroquai's house a few times, but didn't see any fish tanks! :(
But I've never seen anyone famous in any fish shop! :(
Wow this thread has gone SERIOUSLY off topic...

this is not a "what celebrities have you seen" thread, its a "what celebrities have you seen in a fish shop" !!!

I have seen Robert Llewelyn in the fish shop that i now work in a couple of times. He is the guy that plays "Cryton" in the classic Sci-Fi Comedy "Red Dwarf"

I also saw Jeremy Clarkson in there once but he was just leaving.


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