Seen a celebrity/famous person in a fish shop?

Hi..sat next to Liam Neeson and Matthew Modine at a boxing match where I met Floyd Patterson. Shooks hands and spoke with Rudy Giuliani. Flew back from Belize once with Jacques Cousteau who was taking a snooze in 1st class. LOL SH
dang steel thats cool.

one of my dads friends sat next to terry bradshaw on a plane once. thats as close as ive gotten to a celebrity
i've seen pictures of Quentin Griffin's house once and he has like 20 tanks including one that goes up the wall over his bed, and down the other wall. I have also seen Bob ZKovachick ( a local weatherman) in a LFS once.
Willie Nelson was in 1st class of a plane that my husband and I were on! Orlando to St. Louis. The plane was continuing on to Hawaii. Willie was as well, but my hubby and I had to get on another plane :lol:

His shoes had "Willie" on them even!
My Aunt dated Richard gere in High school but dumped him cuz "he wasn't going to amount to anything." lol We all make mistakes some just bite us in the A## for years and years. :rofl:
i don't know if anyone will know who he is but i sort of hung out with jimmy cliff and the skool band once. i stumbled back stage by accident in a drunken stupor and found myself sitting with him and his crew. though i didn't even realize who they were for a good 15 minutes. :*)
when i was in New York for my senior trip, Howard Stern passed me on the street and said "Nice shirt."

to this day, i'm not sure if that was a compliment. -_-
hung out with bruce dickinson of iron maiden once, he was filming near where i live and my uncle did the beach security so he took his break with me and my bro! pretty cool bloke and very polite to all!! i'll have to sort out the pics!

also cooked for richard and jusy of this morning when i was a chef (they didn't tip, or the waitress was sly!) and also some bloke who was in a couple of adverts (he loved himself!!)
I read somewhere that Tim Allan (the guy in Home Improvement) has a big 500 gallon marine tank.

i met Australian of the year 2005 :)
met ian thorpe a couple times(my friends good friends with him, and im always their at the right time :p )
Gene Simmons from KISS (when he came to Perth for a world tour)

parker313 said:
Willie Nelson was in 1st class of a plane that my husband and I were on! Orlando to St. Louis. The plane was continuing on to Hawaii. Willie was as well, but my hubby and I had to get on another plane :lol:

His shoes had "Willie" on them even!
My boss's daughter has met Willie Nelson and hung out with him a few times. She lives on Maui, and he has a house there in a town called Sprecklesville. I don't know if it's his permanent home or not... but apparently he spends a lot of time there :)

As for my celebs, never met any in a fish store, per se, but when I was a kid I met Ric Flair in Rose's buying fish food :) WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :D
I have had 2 celebrity met ups. My family was close with the village people, as my dad grew up with the guy who played the biker. He died a little while back of lung cancer(the village person, not my dad). Also, in the dunkin donuts I used to work at Ja Rule came in with Ashanti for some coffee and 2 glazed donuts. This was before Ashanti was famous of course, but I knew who Ja Rule was! I kinda played it too cool though and didnt ask for an autograph. *sigh*

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