Right time for the long awaited update.
Unfortunately (or fortunately for those with a weak stomach
) I dont have an pics of how the last scape turned out, but put it this way, the wood is it being socked in complete darkness in order to remove the staghorn and GSA. I had every type of algae in there, and it looked horrid
So I got some new plants and upped the lighting to 2x18 Arcadia freshwater and 1x20w power glo, and spent a weekend a few weeks ago redoing it. I got a plant collection so dont know what the plants are but I think I've pinned them down to the following, please feel free to advise if I've made a mistake.
Bacopa monnerii - centre although the new leaves are quite long so could be something else
Cryptocoryne Wendtii - several in there if you can stop them
Nymphea Zenkeri - not very big at the mo, think it took a battering in the low light of the last scape, I hope it recovers.
Sagittaria Lileopteris - all along the front, just wanted to try this one more than anything, hopefully it'll carpet with nice small leaves, if its anything like the other sagittaria species I've had it'll grow like mad!
Ludwigia Repens - Back left, the tips are getting quite red now, and the leaves have a lovely green pattern on them due to the veins.
Mayaca Fluviatilis - centre left, didn't think I was going to like this one, but now its settled its looking quite nice, might try and make more of a feature of it.
Java fern - on the wood, hoping it'll create a nice ball shape on the wood to give a feature on the right of the tank, with the wood emerging out from behind it, well that's the plan! Even after only a few weeks i can see it attaching to the wood.
I've just left the plants be since the rescape to give them a chance to adapt, will probably do a prune and shape next weekend. Not overly sure about the Bacopa in the centre its kinda taking over a bit, going out rather than up, didn't realise it was a carpet plant!
What to try a Dutch style for a change, try my hand at getting very dense growth, will see how it goes.
Anyho, time for the pics
Full tank
Rotala - sorry about the blur!
If anyone knows what this plant is let me know!
Comments/suggestions always welcome, only algae so far is on the glass, hope it stays that way!
The only other thing I have to report is that I lost one of my 2.5 year old clowns doing this, just couldn't handle the change, not sure why, but found it floating when I got home, rather sad as although I dont seem them very much its a fish I've had since nearly the beginning of my fishkeeping and you cant help but get attached to them.