Yeh I think you're right H.poly! I cant be expected to remember all the plants I add!
Dave - don't think they are being eaten, these pics are just after I pruned it down so these are the oldest leaves. Just wonder if there is something I should be doing to keep even the old leaves lush and healthy or if the older leaves 'dieing' like this is just normal?
You're right about the MH might see if I can get some, would be a nice transitional plant for the mid-ground area too. Trouble with this tank is its tall and not very wide, only 18" its tricky getting a gradient into such a short space!
Fish list is below
Thinking I might replace the sags with hairgrass as it'll not be as tall.
Ark - Tank stats
Plants - H.poly, sags think they are sagittaria subulata, rotala rotundifolia, Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis' I think, amazon swords
Substrate - mixed EC with black fine gravel and laterite
CO2 - pressurised 30ppm
Lighting - 2x Arcadia freshwater 18w T8's
Ferts - just AE trace when I remember!
Tank - 30l x 18d x 24h - 20UKg
Filter - external Eheim 2222
Fish - clown loaches, red phantom tetras, lemon tetra, x-ray tetra, American flagfish, ottos, neon tetras, checkered barb, julii cory cats