Sal Goes Rio With A Bit Of Vision

I had just started removing the bubbles (on the right hand side you can see it) and then I thought I'd draw a little :) Isn't it a masterpiece? Yeah, I know, it's rubbish... Can't even get a round smiley face, ah well :rolleyes:

Minnt's rock will go in Sunday, so no exciting updates until then.
I hope you're taking someone with you when you meet that guy...I don't trust 'im! There's lot of creepy people on the interwebs ya know!
Aww I luz you minty bum!
Haven't got plants yet, but a quick general stocking list subject to changes. Those are the fish I currently have in the 4ft tank. Currently I am thinking of splitting them this way, but happy to take any suggestions. Not sure for example about the sailfin mollies and the venezuelan cories, they could go in either tank. Well, actually they could all go in either tank so probably a lot will be changed around.

Rio 180 possible stocking
2 bristlenose plec (Bob & Marley ;))
9 harlequin rasboras - thinking of upping the shoal to 15
6 platies (1m 5f)
1 swordtail
10 kuhli loaches
2 albino cories - yes I know they would be happier in a big shoal, but honestly I know those two. Had them for ages, they are inseparable.
Possibly I'll keep 3 of my guppies, but not keen on their fin nipping antics anymore...

Rio 125 possible stocking
2 dwarf gouramis - nice pair always together
3 sailfin mollies (1m 2f)
1 molly (got him as a freebie when he was a baby and slipped into the bag)
8 neon tetras - again thinking of upping the shoal to 15
10 venzuelan orange cories

Oh, and I also want to add otos somewhere as I love them.

What do you think?

Can I just shamelessly bump this up as I haven't had any comments? I am even thinking of totally re-stocking them now, as the 125 is going to be an Iwagumi tank, so going to have just a little in it for the effect. So basically only the gouramis, tetras and possibly the cories.
Ok! 180! I would personally up the cories and lower the khulis, up the rasboras as well, I think you've got space, they look so much better in a bigger group, 15 would be fine.

I like your new plan for the 125 better than the first. Yeah up those neons, 8 will look like a drop in the bucket because they are so ickle and you def need to get the corys in there! Fish on all levels! :D
Yup, I like the choices but would up all of the schools. Especially those albinos. you'd be surprised how happy they might get.
Thanks all.

What worries me is that the 180 might be too overstocked. Let's break it down again:

Rio 125 - Iwagumi tank
2 dwarf gouramis
15-20 neon tetras
10 Venezuelan orange cories

Minnnt, I fully agree with you, I am not sure if cories belong into an Iwagumi tank, but AA is right, I would have a good selection of top and bottom and a nice big shoal. I suppose I'm only doing an Iwagumi inspired tank, so my inspiration can lead to anything ;)

Rio 180 - Mopani wood tank
So, what I have left is:
2 bristlenose plec
15 harlequin rasboras
6 platies (1m 5f)
1 swordtail
3 sailfin mollies
10 kuhli loaches - I could get the number down to six possibly
2 albino cories - could up the numbers

Isn't that way to overstocked? If I find good homes, I could re-home some, but which ones? I love them all!!!

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