Rye's Fishless Cycle

Im in a bit of a rush today and need to do testing an hour and a bit before im supposed to as i wont be in at 6pm. hoping this hour isnt going to make too much of a difference...

PH: 8.0
Amm: 0
Ni: 0.25
Na: 160+

ive measured the ammonia dose out for my mum to pour in when she gets home just after 6
haha i wasn't rushing off to work :D
I had to rush to get the bus into town. We went to see 'How To Train Your Dragon' which started at 6pm :lol:
Since this cycle has begun my social life begins after 6:30pm but i couldnt re-arrange the film, LOL! had to be home by 9pm because Greys Anatomy is on ;)
maybe not dragons, but depending where your from there are a few beasts wandering around :p

Day 23 -
PH: 7.8
Amm: 0
Ni: 0
Na: 160

:) 12 hour testing begins tomorrow! Ammonia topped up again
I have had such a good day today :D
Hope my tank is going to be nice! lol
this mornings test:
Ammonia: 0, Ni's were between the 2ppm - 5ppm mark (thats quite a large jump, they need a between-y colour), not totally sure on that one. Didnt test Na's or PH.

This afternoon:
PH: 7.8, Amm: 0, Ni: 0, Na: 160+

i see your nitrite is down to 0. its such a good feeling when you see that nitrite hit 0, im in the same boat just waiting for it to hit 0 in 12 hours then start the qualifying week....congrats :good:
yes! i was relieved to see it at 0 and not 0.25 lol.

it feels like its taken forever to get this far, LOL! i can't wait for my qualifying week, but its going to drag so bad!

Can we add plants in our qualifying week? or do we need to wait until after? I have got big plans!
I added plants over a week ago and they are doing ok, they have not caused my cycle any problems yet. but maybe someone with more knowledge will answer that for you, as i dont wish to be giving you any false info as im still learning as i go.

Ah, WD suggested on pg.3 that i wait until after the big water change. i forgot about that, i thought i just had to worry about the high ammonia and such (which isnt there anymore lol).

I am tempted to get the moss im after in my qualifying week... i dont think it will be too upset by everything going on...
Excited by this mornings readings!
Amm: 0, Nitrites.... 0.50!

My tank is crazy!

ETA: my bogwood has decided to release loads of tannins the past few days and it looks like somebody has pee'd in my tank :rolleyes: I swear, it goes through phases of not releasing any and then releasing an absolute tonne. Having white walls behind the tank does not help!
Tonghts readings:

PH: 7.4 - going to have to do another dose of bi-carb in a few days *sigh*. I hope this is more stable once i have fish. Does adding Bi-carb change the hardness of the water or does the powder eventually evaporate out? I've noticed since adding the two seperate bi-carb doses that the light has become almost fogged up - it kind of wipes clean, and i keep it covered with clingfilm anyways to change it so its no big deal, just my curiosity again.

Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 80 - had to add a few litres to the tank to top it up so possibly diluted them a bit

excited for tomorrow mornings tests LOL!
I woke up to a PH of 6.8 today :X So I have been trying to rectify that all morning. i think i've managed to get it to 7.8.
I've read people mentioning Crushed Coral occasionally so i think i will have to research this and understand better what KH is, if my PH keeps dropping when i have fish (im hoping it doesnt :( ). I've found quite a few posts on here already so i need to have a massive read up. It just sucks that it seems to be quite an expensive thing to buy, lol!

Day 26 AM reading:
PH: 6.8
Amm: 0
Ni: 5
Na: 80

I've just recieved some amazing news so i have no hate for the fish tank today! :D
I've just been to the LFS. i was naughty and bought some moss. I asked for a bit and i have this massive handful, LOL! no idea what im going to do with it all.

I saw the Galaxy Rasboras... :wub: they are absolutely amazing. For a tiny fish they are SO expensive! £5.25 EACH! Im going to see if i can use my womanly charm to get a deal on four of them lol. They have some nice sized cherry shrimp aswell at 3 for £10 - perfect!

So hopefully, i can get all my livestock for £30 and then try get my hands on an apple snail too. Just need to wait for these #40## nitrites! I am NOT messing this up, not with very expensive, very tiny fish! lol

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