Rye's 125L Tank

I don't know if he was sleeping on the sand and the corys were accidently nomming on his fins, or if he was getting stuck on pieces of bogwood, tetra's or barbs were nomming him or who knows what. he looks lost in the empty biorb. hes used to having friends :( He can actually see out of this tank whereas he couldnt in the larger one, which i think he is enjoying :)

ANYWAYS enough of Jezza. Look what arrived just now :hyper:


I ordered the 50 Surplus Plant Pack from PlantsAlive over the weekend :lol: Its cheap as chips and i like the idea of a surprise :D

Had to take pictures from my mobile phone because surprise surprise!! i cant find the cable for my camera :angry: I need to tape that thing to my forehead or something. stupid cable





cup of tea time whilst they soak in a bucket before i trim and plant.. and then i will upload tank pics later. Anything that doesnt fit in the tank or doesnt look right will go in with Jerry :)
they look in good nick. Have you planned out where you're gonna out um?

Just had a look at your tank and i can see a Triangle scape with your bogwood.
no idea where im going to put them. Ive just trimmed them all up so they are ready to plant, but not sure if i should trim some shorter. I know just by looking at them that they are going to be huge and mostly background plants. Trying to think where i can place them in the tank with my crypts.

They are in better condition than any plants ive bought from any LFS. My boyfriend text, being a smartass, asking if they were all yellow lol.

I really want some more wood or some rocks, but they are the expensive things and will definately have to wait. Im having to tell my mam that my boyfriend bought these plants for me because, heaven forbid, i would spend £9 on a big bag of plants.

I am on the hunt for some inspiration!
Oooh, can we see a picture of how the tank looks with the new plants! :fun:
Looks good, especially for 9 quid!

I always make a cup of tea before I do anything :D
9 quid isnt bad is it :) it was £5-something for the plants and then £3-something for postage.

Water is still a bit murky, but i am impatient and have only an hour until i go out so i dont think i will get any better before then. I drained 30L from the tank, pulled out the tetra's and the rasbora and got planting (cherry barb is WAY too fast and the corys just stay out the way anyways). The shrimps had to stay in - they must be stressed because they have turned blue! :blink: :blink:




Not totally happy with it, but everything needs to sort itself out first. We shall see what lives and what doesn't lol.

Got some plants left over for Jerry aswell
That doesn't look bad at all, but as you say, see how they develop. You have planted a few stemplants in the front, so if these take off you will have to place them elsewhere but for the time being it is ok. What about putting the right hand side on the left and vice versa. Somehow I feel my eyes are more used to going from left to right...
yeah i considered moving everything to the left, but the wood was already on the right and i wasnt wanting to move it. There is still time though

having shrimp issues :( three babies have died and we are trying to keep the others alive. Doubt any will survive. Wondering if its a PH crash (STUPID CO2) or if i didnt wash enough of whatever was on the plants before i planted them. Got all my inverts in a tub of clean water :(

I am actually gutted and a bit upset :( they had just started breeding
4 surviving shrimp out of 12. Hmph :( Had to put some activated carbon into my filter which has been running for a day just so i could put the shrimp back in. hoping it wont affect the ferts im adding to the tank.

FINALLY found my cable. It was right in front of my eyes the whole time :rolleyes:


My mum gave me a little water lilly that you can see shooting up on the left :)


The stem plants at the front will be moved once they grow and when i can find some foreground plants. The whole bag was full of stem plants. I think they look good for now though :)
it'll be fine with the Carbon. Its taking shape now!
"My mum gave me a little water lilly that you can see shooting up on the left"

Famous last words Ryefish, famous last words :lol: That won't be small for long, especially if you allow the leaf to hit the water surface, then you'll see what happens once the first leaf hits the water surface ;)
a lot of the plants are dying. i had to spread them out in the hope that the light would reach the whole plant. even the plants in jerrys tank are dying haha. nevermind ey :rolleyes: nothing is going right lately
Be patient... They're probably just rooting still!

I can't remember but do you use a substrate under your sand? or root tabs?
Left all the plants to do as they wish for a few weeks and had to go in to do a clean up job today :/
Lots of rotting/dying leaves on plants has caused quite a bit of brown algae in the tank. Mostly on the glass and plant leaves. Chopped some plants in half because the bottom wasnt doing so well but there was new growth on the top. Not really much shape in the tank at the minute


not holding much hope for this one:

icky lol

this seems to be the slowest growing plant i own in this whole tank :rolleyes: it has done absolutely nothing lol

Letting it all grow in again :)

ETA: forgot to add that i cant afford to upgrade my lights when i get paid like i thought i would, so everything will have to stay as it is :/

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