Rye's 125L Tank

have you got any leaks? It should still work even that far submerged, its not gonna do much that close to the top as the bubbles arn't having a chance to disperse.
the bubbles are dispersing a bit but not a lot. there isnt any leaks no :( i had to silicone the tubing into the lid to make it air tight when i made it. might just have the mixture wrong, it took me ages to get it working. we'll find out when i need to replace it
Most of you plants are slower growers. I'd reccomend you plant up heavily with faster growers to prevent algae from becoming a problem. Fast-growing plants are quick at utilising ammonia that would otherwise help to trigger algae. Lots of water changes help too, just make sure that they don't dilute nutrient levels too much otherwise the plants will suffer, thus leading to algae.
my drop checker arrived today :)
im surprised its in one piece considering the mail man threw it thought the open window in my living room. didn't even give me chance to get to the door. i just stood in utter shock as the box bounced across the living room :crazy:
i read that elite mini filters were supposed to be good as a make-shift CO2 diffuser... well, whaddya know! its a bit low in the water but i cant get it to sit high enough because of the hood on the tank :/

the tiny bubbles are being pushed down and round towards the plants now :)

mr.cherry says hi :D

have no idea where im supposed to put this drop checker for it to be working properly

alright. thanks :) well it hasnt been in the tank too long so i will keep an eye on it. i didn't know if having it close to the diffuser would make a difference or not
alright. thanks :) well it hasnt been in the tank too long so i will keep an eye on it. i didn't know if having it close to the diffuser would make a difference or not

If the tank didn't have good all round circulation then yes It would make a difference. :)
I found a baby shrimp in the tank on saturday :D ive never been so excited lmao!

anyways, i need a bit of help... as always :)

tank shot - background is off again since i had to clean the black glass and found it rather difficult with the half-taped on crappy background

problem no.1 - browning on leaves :/ . its not algae, the leaves have brown patches all over them
its hard to see on the Wendtii but they are slightly orange in the pictures

new leaf on the other thing

do i just let the plants get on with it or anything i can do to help?

problem no.2
- film on water surface off the yeast bottle


any way i can modify the bottle of yeast to stop this happening? :/ fish are all fine btw
I added a 'drip bottle' (an empty coke bottle) on to the tubing on the CO2 kit. Talked the guy in the pet shop in to selling me a half used tube of aquarium silicone for a quid - i only needed a bit haha. It is a nice piece of work even if i do say so myself :lol: not sure if it's actually worked yet though as im not home lol. hoping it will stop the yeast leak into the tank and stop the film on the water surface and the slimey stuff in the drop checker (so gross). Will update if it works.

Bought a vallis aswell yesterday which im rather excited about :) (said i wasnt going to but it was only £1.25 and i had some change in my pocket) Jerry was hanging around underneath the tallest points and the rasbora were swimming inbetween the leaves.

Plants are growing like crazy already. I hadnt actually realised how long the leaves on the crypts are getting until i looked at the pic on the first post here. Having some algae issues though. Cruddy brown algae on the glass (i had a small ammonia spike yesterday <0.25, fixed with a water change) and some green spot algae on the crypts. I think its due to water changes changing the CO2 levels in the tank. Hoping the CO2 levels from the yeast bottle is stable enough :/
Trying not to mess with the tank too much atm as the shrimp are breeding and the rasbora are displaying to each other a lot and im hoping they do soon aswell, and ofc, i want the plants to grow a fair bit.

I've been overdosing on the Flourish aswell hoping to stop browning on the plants, anyone know any reason not to do this? The plants are obviously liking it...
Looks good Rye. Glad you got a drop checker. You only have one bottle for CO2?
at the minute. I am awaiting some more air line tubing from the interwebs. Was going to rig up a second bottle yesterday (bought the T connectors and everything) but i ran out of air line and i didnt want to pay an extortionate amount from the pet shop. I mixed up a strong batch of yeast water yesterday though, text my mam this morning because it was playing on my mind and she said the drop checker is reading a yellowy green colour at the time. I was half expecting a phone call saying it had exploded :lol:

looking at some macro ferts but i cant afford it just yet
I cut the Wendtii in two yesterday. It looked like it was about to melt anyways, so i figured what the hell and went on with it anyways. It is still the same today as it was yesterday haha


Crypts are going crazy atm. Have still been dosing the Flourish every day if im home, if not then its every other day.
Moved the intake on the filter. Its on a slant atm but meh, doesn't matter. Also, the background doesnt quite fit but i love it anyway :D

My little biorb has been set up once again for Jerry. I came home yesterday to discover half his dorsal fin missing so he will live on his own from now on. Its empty with some plastic ornaments at the minute... for now... ;)
Looks good. Poor Jerry, sometimes bettas don't like big tanks, contrary to what is sometimes said in the betta section. Crypt will come back.

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